Intersession 2020 Catalog

Intersession 2020 Catalog

Presentation Dates: January 8, 15, 22 & 29, 2020
Morning Presentations: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Afternoon Presentations: 1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.

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LLI members and Intersession presenters may bring individual guests. Members, presenters, and their guests are welcome at every session. The Bard community of faculty, staff, and students is also welcome.

The Down the Road Café in Bertelsmann Campus Center is generally open during the lunch hour.


Presentations cancelled due to inclement weather will not be rescheduled. In the event of bad weather, LLI follows the decisions made by the Red Hook Central School District.

  • For Intersession, morning and afternoon are both cancelled when the schools are closed, but begin at the usual 11:00 a.m. time when classes are delayed.
  • Members can check the Red Hook School District website or or call 845 758-2241 for information.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

This presentation evaluates the status of theater in America: who goes, where do they go, what’s the economy (money in/money out), what’s the status of plays, who’s writing, who’s acting, and most importantly, is there any impact on our culture at all?

Presenter:  Lou Trapani is the artistic and managing director at the CENTER for the Performing Arts at Rhinebeck.

Staatsburgh, a Gilded Age mansion on the Hudson River, was the home of Titanic ticket-holders Ruth and Ogden Mills. The elegant rooms in Staatsburgh bear a striking resemblance to the first-class accommodations on the Titanic, while Staatsburgh’s servants’ quarters echo second-and third-class spaces on the ship. Photos of Staatsburgh’s rooms lead the audience through the stories of the Titanic’s last hours. In 1912, these were stories that might have been told at Staatsburgh, as Ruth and Ogden Mills mourned their lost friends.

Presenter: Donald Fraser is the educator at Staatsburgh State Historic Site (Mills Mansion). He creates education programs for students from second grade to college, as well as special programs for adults, such as Tales of the Titanic, Gilded Age Scandals, World War I and the End of the Gilded Age, and A Life in Service – Servants in the Gilded Age.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

The Music and Careers of Recording Artists from the 1950s and Early 1960s in Their Own Words

Based on personal interviews with 100 top recording artists from the 1950s and 1960s, author Anthony Musso corrects longtime inaccuracies and myths that have plagued the artists’ biographies for more than 50 years. The artists describe milestone experiences and performances on shows such as Ed Sullivan and American Bandstand, as well as the early rock and roll bus tours and package concerts at the Brooklyn Fox Theater, Palisades Amusement Park, and the Apollo Theater in Harlem, NY. Startling accounts and backstage banter are featured in his two-volume book Setting the Record Straight.

Presenter: Anthony P. Musso. Prior to 2008, Musso was the writer/editor of a monthly magazine based in NYC. He has worked as a freelance journalist for the Times-Herald Record and is presently in his 12th year as a weekly columnist for the Poughkeepsie Journal. He has authored eight books and is an active public speaker, presenting about 75 programs annually.

Take an armchair tour of the Hudson Valley at the end of the last ice age. You will see obvious features (the Hudson River itself) and nonobvious features (such as drowned lands and drumlins) through the magic of Google Earth. The glaciers are long gone, but their impact is still felt.

Presenter: William Tuel (LLI) is a regular presenter of topics on the history of science in the local area.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Our generation grew up with certain core beliefs: the United States was good, the Soviet Union evil;  democracy was good, communism bad; God favored the United States; we would be wealthier than our parents; the future was bright. As we came of age in the 1960s, certain images shattered our complacency. Among them the presenter will explore the 1959 VW Beetle; the burning monk in Saigon; Jackie Kennedy on Air Force One in 1963; civil rights marchers in Birmingham and the Pettis Bridge outside Montgomery; a despondent LBJ; the Watts, Newark, and Detroit riots; NASA’s view of Earth from space on the cover of the Whole Earth Catalog.

Presenter: Mark Lytle is the Lyford Paterson and Mary Gray Edwards Professor of History Emeritus at Bard College and the author of America’s Uncivil Wars: The Sixties Era from Elvis to the Fall of Richard Nixon.

The presenters will screen selections from the feature-length documentary Invisible Chess: The Jason Goudlock Story. They will discuss the criminal justice issues it raises, challenges they faced in making the film, and discoveries they made along the way.

Presenters: Samuel Crow is a filmmaker who has won multiple awards for his documentaries and music videos. Bill Nichols is a retired English teacher who served on a criminal justice committee with the American Friends Service Committee and has written about prison reform.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Are you making your point or putting your audience to sleep? Have you ever attended a bad presentation, even if the subject matter was interesting? What makes an effective presentation with PowerPoint® or Keynote®? You’ll learn techniques, strategies, and best practices for  presentations that cater to different learning styles. This talk is for speakers who want to be sure of getting their message across to their audience. It includes how to show videos and link to resources as part of your presentation and best practices for keeping your audience’s attention, helping them understand your subject matter, and remembering your main points. The concepts described apply to presentations using either PowerPoint or Keynote rather than providing technical training on these programs.

Presenter: Gustav Pedersen (LLI) designs and builds custom furniture from contemporary to traditional, including period reproductions ( He teaches Furniture Styles and the Characters Who Built Them at LLI. Being an engineer, he researched best practices for presentations and PowerPoint as he created his furniture course. This presentation includes showing videos and linking to valuable resources, and
shows you how this makes presentations more effective. Gus co-chairs the LLI A/V Team and designed this presentation to share his knowledge of these tools.

Last year Bard created the Center for the Study of Hate. Hate is one of the most destructive and least understood parts of the human condition. BCSH’s novel approach promotes research, teaching, and thinking across academic disciplines with the goal of combating hate in a more targeted and theory-driven way. Learn how the BCSH is building a model program that can be replicated at other institutions of higher education.

Presenter: Kenneth Stern is the director of the Bard Center for the Study of Hate and an attorney and author. He has argued before the United States Supreme Court and testified before Congress. For a quarter century he was the American Jewish Committee’s expert on anti-Semitism. His forthcoming book is The Conflict Over the Conflict: The Israel/Palestine Campus Debate.



Eugene Burns
Jane Diamond
Stuart Levine
Emily Michael



Bill Tuel, Chair
Susan Hinkle
Deborah Lanser
Grace Murphy
Margaret Shuhala
Betsy Tuel

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