When you attend a Bard LLI course, you can meet the volunteers who make our programs work, helping the presenters with their media requirements: showing a video, making sure the sound works, and displaying slides.
For online courses, you receive email messages with links to the online meeting, optional descriptions of upcoming topics, and, once a class starts, instructions on how and when to ask the presenter questions.
For in-person courses, a class manager greets you at the door, ensures that only registered members attend each class, and makes any announcements.
In addition, volunteers manage the LLI Hospitality Room on campus, with hot drinks and snacks available on Friday class days.
All of these members are part of Program Support, working together to make attending our programs both easy and enjoyable.
This is a big group and it is fun. It is an easy way to meet and talk with members and often make new friends. Many of our most experienced volunteers started helping with Program Support and come back year after year.
To learn more about this program support and how you can help, contact [email protected].
Program Support Tasks
What do we do?
The Chair of the program support team recruits, trains, and oversees all the members who provide support in classrooms.
Attending Council meetings, the chair, the chair keeps track of how many volunteers are needed in a given semester (based on the courses offered by the Curriculum Team).
Recruitment is a big job because Bard LLI offers so many courses each semester.
New volunteers on this team are carefully trained so they are successful in their positions. All of this training is coordinated by the chair.
The chair enters all the volunteers into ProClass to ensure they are displayed on course descriptions and that they have access to information about course registrants for attendance and messaging.

Class Managers
Class managers are the link between presenters and LLI members attending classes. They are trained to take attendance, handle emergencies, present announcements, and greet everyone with good cheer.
When you have a pleasant experience in the classroom, thank the class manager!
Session Managers
If you have attended an online LLI class, you have come in contact with a session manager.
These volunteers are trained to handle the technology behind the online courses. They help with member questions, use of media in the online class, and presenter support.
Sounds simple, right? But remember that session managers rehearse classes before they occur to ensure a seamless experience for the participants.
Hospitality volunteers make sure meetings, specific events, and in-person courses have food and beverages.
This takes good organizational skills and attention to detail. Many things have to be coordinated to bring you food and drinks at courses and events.

Support learning programs
The program support helps presenters in classrooms and online sessions, including food and beverages.
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