What We Do
The Hospitality Subcommittee oversees the procurement of food and beverages for the hospitality room, specific events, and meetings.
Key Tasks
- Order food and beverages from Chartwells Food Service in a timely manner.
- Liaison with Director of Chartwells Food Service for other committee chairpersons.
- Set up and overseeing the hospitality room and special events.
- Purchase food and supplies for hospitality room using donated monies.

Required Coordination
The Hospitality Subcommittee coordinates with the LLI Special Programs Subcommittee, Director of Chartwell, Bard Buildings and Grounds, and Environmental Services.
Time Commitment / Duration
- Members can sign up for fall or spring session, or both.
- Members are needed to help set up before first period class and between classes to help refurbish the table.
- Members are needed to bring homemade food to the Senior to Senior Tea.
- Meetings on an as-needed basis.

Special Skills
- Ability to work on a team
- Early birds to help setup before classes.
Arrange for Food and Drink
Ensures there is food and drink for members during various LLI events.
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