Contact Us

What We Do

You can contact us by email or phone through our LLI secretary.

How to reach us

Contact us by email at: [email protected]

Or email our secretary Susan Simon at: [email protected], and she will pass your question or request on to the appropriate person(s).

Committee contacts

LLI has become a G Suite school and we are in the process of assigning members new email addresses with a “” domain name. There are also committee email addresses, as shown in the table below.

This table will be updated regularly as the GSuite roll out continues.

Note: you can use the search box to find specific rows which include your search term. Please try it!


Standing CommitteeTeamFirst NameLast NameLLI EmailCommittee Email
CouncilPresidentRobertBeaury[email protected][email protected]
Council1st Vice PresidentMaryMcClellan[email protected]
Council2nd Vice PresidentCarolGoss[email protected]
CouncilSecretarySusanSimon[email protected]
CouncilTreasurerJerryBrockett[email protected]
CouncilMember at LargeEleanorWieder[email protected]
CouncilMember at LargeLyndaChristensen[email protected]
CouncilMember at LargeKaylaBell[email protected]
CouncilMember at LargeMichaelWeinstock[email protected]
CouncilExecutive[email protected]
Curricular and Special ProgramsCurricular and Special ProgramsMaryMcClellan[email protected][email protected]
Curricular and Special ProgramsCurriculumMaryMcClellan[email protected][email protected]
Curricular and Special ProgramsArt ShowOpen[email protected]
Curricular and Special ProgramsCatalogDeborahLanser[email protected]
Curricular and Special ProgramsSpecial ProgramsOpen
GovernanceGovernanceRobertBeaury[email protected][email protected]
GovernanceBylawsCathyReinis[email protected]
GovernanceFinanceJerryBrockett[email protected][email protected]
GovernanceLiaison to CCEJillLundquist[email protected]
GovernanceNominationsMaryMcClellan[email protected][email protected]
GovernanceOperations/WorkflowFeliceGelman[email protected][email protected]
Membership DevelopmentMembership Development, DeputyRobertInglish[email protected]
Membership DevelopmentMembership Development, DeputyLindaStill[email protected]
Membership DevelopmentMember ServicesFernFleckman[email protected][email protected]
Membership DevelopmentMentorsMaddyWatterson[email protected]
Membership DevelopmentSocial Gatheringsunassignedunassigned[email protected]
Membership DevelopmentVolunteer CoordinatorOpen
Planning and EvaluationPlanning and EvaluationEleanorWieder[email protected][email protected]
Program SupportProgram SupportCarmelaGersbeck[email protected][email protected]
Program SupportClass/Session ManagersCarmelaGersbeck[email protected][email protected]
Program SupportHospitalityIreneEsposito[email protected][email protected]
Program SupportHybrid TeamCarmelaGersbeck[email protected]
Program SupportWebsiteSusanChristoffersen[email protected][email protected]
Program SupportAVCarmelaGersbeck[email protected]
Program SupportClass SupportVickiHoener[email protected]
Program SupportClass SupportJoanneGoodman[email protected]

Questions? We are here to help

You can contact our committees directly or contact the LLI secretary, who will forward your requests to the appropriate person(s).
