What We Do
After soliciting recommendations for nominations from the membership, the Nominations Subcommittee recommends a slate of candidates for needed appointment or replacement of elected officers and members at large, for approval by the membership.
Key Tasks
- Analyze and review new member applications
- Solicit feedback and nominating suggestions.
- Interview and vet each potential candidate.
- Obtain a bio from each candidate for presentation to the membership.
Required Coordination
The Nominations Subcommittee interacts and coordinates its tasks with Council, Planning and Evaluation, Elections, Membership Development and with the Registration subcommittees.
Time Commitment / Duration
- The Nominations Subcommittee plans to fill approximately six to eight Council vacancies per year because of terms expiring.
- The amount of time required includes committee meetings to review possible candidates and then recruiting from the larger LLI membership. Usually, it takes one to two months to find a candidate.
- Interviews are held with potential candidates.
- Multiple committee meetings prior to elections and as needed to fill committee chair vacancies.
- Time need to recruit approximately six to eight candidates each year, interview and vet them.
Special Skills
- Knowledge of LLI governance and committees
- Acquaintance with members
Nominate LLI officers
Recommend a slate of candidates needed for appointment or replacement of elected officers and members at large.
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