WinterFest 2022 Catalog

WinterFest 2022 Catalog

Dates: Wednesdays, January 5, 12, 19, 26, 2022
First Session: 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Second Session: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

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Bard LLI members and WinterFest presenters may invite individual guests. Members, presenters, and their guests are welcome at every session. The Bard community of faculty, staff, and students is also welcome.


Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Description: For 30 years, Dr. Ivan Godfrey has had a front-row seat inside the criminal justice system as a corrections officer, forensic psychologist, creator of transitional/re-entry programs, and professor of Criminal Justice and Human Services. He will discuss the system’s economic, racial, and psychological dimensions and efforts to make it more humane. The class will be conducted as a conversation with co-producers Laura Brown and Barbara Danish, long-time Bard LLI members and presenters. Participants may ask questions via the Zoom chat function.

Presenter: Ivan Godfrey PhD, LCSW-R, is an associate professor of Criminal Justice and Human Services at SUNY Ulster and author of Corrections and Beyond: My Story of Doing Time on the Other Side of the Bars.

Producers: Linda Legendre, Laura Brown, Barbara Danish

Description: Jeff Brouws has been photographing inner-city America since 1995. He believes all photographs have a social and political meaning if viewed within a certain context. He wants to demonstrate how rampant sprawl caused White flight, economic disinvestment, and racial segregation in the inner city. His talk, illustrated with approximately 100 images, will focus on such issues as abandoned central business districts and working-class neighborhoods, the successes and failures of public-housing policy in various cities, the impact of decades of outsourcing, and the shift in American manufacturing from heavy to light industry.

Presenter: Jeff Brouws is a self-taught artist. Pursuing photography since age 13, when he roamed the industrial corridors south of San Francisco, Brouws has compiled a visual survey of America’s evolving cultural landscapes over the last 40 years. His work is represented by the Robert Mann Gallery in New York City. It can be found in numerous public and private collections.

Producer: Dorothy Baran

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Description: An ophthalmologist will discuss the influence of visual disorders on the works of some well-known Impressionists, answering questions such as: Was myopia (near-sightedness) a factor in the start of the Impressionist movement? Was astigmatism the reason El Greco painted elongated people? Was drug toxicity the cause of Vincent van Gogh’s swirls and yellow flowers? How did cataracts affect the paintings of Claude Monet and Auguste Renoir?

Presenter: Stephen Adalman, MD, ( LLI) is a second-generation ophthalmologist (retired) who grew up in a home in which art and music predominated. During his residency in ophthalmology, he attended a lecture given by Arthur Linksz, MD, the author of An Ophthalmologist Looks at Art. Since then, Dr. Adalman has read other sources on this fascinating subject.

 Producer: Bill Tuel

Description: Join master teacher Judith Nelson in a fun and illuminating lecture-demonstration exploring the basic elements of dance. This event will deepen your understanding and appreciation of dance as an art form, whether as a spectator or as a dancer yourself.

Presenter: Judith Nelson, MFA, ( LLI) taught dance for 35 years as a full-time professor at Auburn University, Missouri State University, and Carleton College. She was a dancer with the Jose Limon Company and the David Gordon Pick Up Company. She has also toured the United States and Europe as a solo artist and in musical theater. Nelson leads workshops in professional development for dance educators.

Producer: Leslie Weinstock

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Description:  Wilderstein, a not-for-profit historic house museum in Rhinebeck, was home to three generations of the Suckley family. It is widely regarded as the Hudson Valley’s most important example of Victorian architecture. Join a photo tour of the grounds, the principal rooms and furnishings, while learning the history of the mansion and its extensive restoration. Hear stories of the family, particularly the last resident, Margaret (Daisy) Suckley, who was a cousin and confidante of Franklin Roosevelt. She worked for many years at the FDR Library. She remained in the mansion until her death in 1991, just months before her 100th birthday.

Presenter: Katherine Charapko is assistant director of Wilderstein. She joined the staff in 2020 after several years as a docent. Charapko has been an admirer of the mansion and the Suckley family since 2012 when she and her husband purchased and renovated the 1850s schoolhouse across the street.

Presenter: Linda Stanley has been a docent at Wilderstein Historic Site for many years and is currently serving on the Wilderstein Board. She enjoys giving tours of the house and talking about the Suckley family, its history, the Queen Anne style architecture, and the beautiful Calvert Vaux designed landscape and would like to share all this with her fellow members of LLI. 

Producer: Anne Brueckner

Description: Most of us have favorite movie performers, but what makes a performer a star? By examining the career of the late James Cagney, a Hudson Valley resident for 34 years, this presentation will consider the question of stardom and how it has functioned in film throughout Hollywood’s history. Questions to consider include: What is the so-called star system? What gave rise to it? How did individual performers become stars? How do they become stars today? The presentation will be illustrated with film clips and slides.

Presenter: Sybil DelGaudio, PhD, is retired from Hofstra University, where she was professor of radio, television, and film, and served for six years as dean of its School of Communication. Her research has been published in books and journals, and her production work has combined her interest in animation scholarship with a passion for documentary. More recently, DelGaudio has been teaching film courses at Vassar’s Lifelong Learning Institute.

Producer: Dorothy Baran

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Description: This class will be an overview of Restorative Philosophy and a brief introduction to certain elements of Circle Practice, a dialogue style rooted in indigenous practices that can be used to proactively build community and address conflict before it emerges. In light of the protests of 2020, the presenter believes these are skills that can address the systemic issues of our time.

Presenter: Ezra Weissman is a restorative justice specialist at the Mediation Center of Dutchess. He came to this work through his passion for understanding how to create resilient communities to resist systemic oppression.

Producer: Linda Legendre

Description: Blue’s People explores the history of the blues from its African roots to its status as a modern-day art form. Host John Blue’s knowledge of local, national, and international blues artists offers a special occasion to appreciate the genre, while his signature storytelling style offers listeners an interesting view of the music and the artists who created it. After all, every song tells a story.

Presenter: John Blue is the host of a weekly show, Blue’s People, on Radio Kingston.  The first time John heard gospel music, as a youngster on vacation in North Carolina, he was hooked. That experience sparked the beginning of a lifelong appreciation for all musical genres, particularly the blues.

Producer: Margaret Moran

Producer:  Mary McClellan



Dorothy Baran
Laura Brown
Anne Brueckner
Barbara Danish
Linda LeGendre
Mary McClellan
Margaret Moran
Bill Tuel
Leslie Weinstock


Bill Tuel, Chair
Deborah Lanser
Margaret Shuhala
Timothy Sullivan
Betsy Tuel

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