Bylaws Subcommittee

What We Do

The Bylaws Subcommittee reviews LLI bylaws at least every five years or as needed. This subcommittee is chaired by the 2nd VP and is appointed by the president.

Key Tasks

  • Review the existing bylaws in detail for accuracy and consideration of any possible changes.
  • Draft, review and edit successive versions of any recommended changes.
  • Coordinate with P&E about any recommended changes.
  • Present revised bylaws to Council for consideration at its January meeting. New bylaws are approved by a majority of current, voting Council members at its February meeting.
  • Present Council-approved bylaws to LLI membership for approval by 2/3 of participating members concurrent with elections in March.
  • Bylaws changes are announced by the Election Subcommittee at the annual meeting in May.

Required Coordination

The Bylaws Subcommittee works with P&E and with all standing committee chairs to identify any areas of the current bylaws which may be recommended for renewal or amending. This subcommittee works with the elections subcommittee to present a final document, including any amendments to the LLI membership for approval.

Time Commitment / Duration

Whenever a bylaws review takes place, the committee meets as often as needed during the school year leading up to elections in March. Meetings generally take place once very two to four weeks and last approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours.

Draft revisions are submitted to subcommittee members for careful review prior to each meeting.

Special Skills

This subcommittee is appointed by the president and consists of the 2nd VP and a minimum of two Council members and one member from general membership.

Review and revise LLI bylaws

LLI operates according to a set of bylaws which can change as LLI grows.
