
Walk This Way is on HIATUS for now!
Contact Vicki Hoener if you would like to help the group!
Locations to be posted below when we return.

Pickleball on Pause for Now
Open play, all levels at Red Hook Rec Park, just show up!
Contact L. Walker for more information at Iwalker@lli.bard.edu

Walk This Way is on HIATUS for now!
Contact Vicki Hoener if you would like to help the group!
Locations to be posted below when we return.

Pickleball on Pause for Now
Open play, all levels at Red Hook Rec Park, just show up!
Contact L. Walker for more information at Iwalker@lli.bard.edu

Walk This Way is on HIATUS for now!
Contact Vicki Hoener if you would like to help the group!
Locations to be posted below when we return.

Pickleball on Pause for Now
Open play, all levels at Red Hook Rec Park, just show up!
Contact L. Walker for more information at Iwalker@lli.bard.edu

Now at Bard LLI

Join the LLI Walking Group!  Are you an LLI member? Do you like to walk and socialize? If your answer is yes, then you should check out our LLI walking group. We are on HIATUS for now but have been meeting on Thursdays. No sign-up is required. Just show up at the parking lot and get some fresh air and gentle exercise with other LLI members.  Contact Vicki Hoener if you would like to help organize the group.

Pickleball on the Court
Come Play Pickleball!  Open play, all levels at the Red Hook Rec Park courts, just show up!   
Contact L. Walker for more information at Iwalker@lli.bard.edu.

JUNE, 2024:  Updated COVID Vaccination Policy:

LLI’s policy regarding COVID-19 is aligned with Bard’s. In accordance with CDC recommendations and the evolving public health situation, LLI is strongly encouraging our members and guests to stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations. However, LLI will no longer require new members and guests to submit COVID-19 vaccination data in order to become a member, register for a class, or attend an LLI event. 

Our plan is to continue with the “mask-friendly” policy that Bard follows as well. Masks are not required, but anyone who wants to wear a mask on campus is welcome to do so. Individual presenters may ask class members to wear a mask in their own classrooms. It is important for members to remember to carry a mask with you in case you need one.

Moreover, out of consideration for others, we ask that no one attend class or any other LLI event if you are feeling unwell, including dealing with a persistent cough or the sniffles. 

Members are asked to wear their lanyard at all times while on Bard’s campus or at LLI events off campus. 

Looking Ahead:
LLI is always looking for volunteers to serve as Session Managers for our Thursday virtual classes and Class Managers for our Friday in-person classes. Click here to learn about being a Session Manager. We provide training and guarantee you will love the new friends you gain and the new skills you learn. Information on all current volunteer opportunities at LLI is here.

Help! How do I join a Zoom meeting? 
Click here for basic instructions on attending Zoom meetings. And here is a brand new guide from a brand new LLI member with Zoom 101 tips for PC, Mac, iPad and tablet users. Tired of the world looking at your forehead or your ceiling? Here is a great guide to finding the best lighting and camera angles for Zoom meetings. And a new page of Zoom tips from LLI members!

Need tech help as an LLI member? Email techhelp@lli.bard.edu for help (including getting LLI.bard.edu email addresses). DO NOT contact the Bard help desk, which is only for Bard students and faculty.

News + Notes

LLIcense to Learn

by Chuck Mishaan

I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure of being a Bard LLI presenter for over 10 years. I’m frequently asked why I continue to maintain a heavy schedule of teaching at Bard and other Hudson Valley LLIs.

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Meet the 2025 Candidates for Council

by Mary McClellan

March marks the Council Election period for Bard LLI members. Voting will start on March 9 and end on March 16. The term of office for each position will commence on July 1, 2025,

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Spring’s Learning Adventures

by Deborah Lanser

Get ready to start planning your spring class schedule when the catalog comes out on Wednesday, February 19. Once again, the Curriculum Committee has ensured we will be spoiled for choice. Are you interested in gardening,

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We Can Build It, but Will They Come?

by Felice Gelman

In the 25 years since the founding of LLI, hundreds of people have participated in classes, presented classes, and joined in the management of the endeavor. When you consider that just four women gave birth to this organization,

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Pilot Pre-Registration For Spring ’25

by Mary McClellan

Feedback for LLI courses and programs is overall positive. Our membership generally expresses appreciation for the quality of our presenters and the caliber of their course content. The most frequently cited area of dissatisfaction with LLI has been the difficulty many members have experienced when trying to register for courses.

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Perspectives From My First Fall at LLI

by Anne Botsford

The music of The Orchestra Now (TŌN) first drew me to Bard, which is only 45 minutes from Poughkeepsie, where I live. I’d previously traveled by train for two hours to NYC for my essential music,

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Profiles of Our Founders: Sylvia Erber

by Felice Gelman

Twenty-five years ago, four women, members of a Red Hook Library book group—Sylvia Erber, Sara Hardman, Carol Lee, and Josette Lee—agreed that the area needed affordable high-quality education for seniors. The Marist College Center for Life Time Study had a years-long waiting list.

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Upcoming Events

Our current 2024 calendar is now available here. You can also find it from the top navigation bar under News + Events and then select Annual Calendar on the left side of the wide, dropdown menu.

Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter

If you are not already receiving our monthly newsletter, you can subscribe by filling out the form below.  Current LLI members and presenters are already on our list.

PLEASE NOTE:  Once you use the form and receive a Confirmation in your email, you MUST click on the Confirmation link in the email to complete the subscription process.  Thanks for signing up!

In case of emergency on campus

Should there be a serious emergency – medical, fire, etc. – call TWO numbers in the order below.

First call: 9-1-1

For Dutchess County Emergency Services. It is available 24/7.

Second call: (845) 758-7777 or from emergency call boxes: 7777

For Bard College Emergency Medical Services (a trained campus emergency response team).

Bard EMS is always to be called second. While the service provides the fastest response, it follows the college academic schedule and is therefore not always available.

Welcome to Bard LLI

This site will show you what is going on at Bard LLI. This site changes often, so we hope you will visit regularly.