New Yorker Cartoon Caption Winner – Kathy Oconnor

Kathy Oconnor, a new LLI member, was the winner of the Intersession cartoon contest. Danny Shanahan, New Yorker cartoonist, completed the final cartoon, with Kathy’s caption included, and presented it to her on February 28 at Bread Alone in Rhinebeck.

Kathy says: “I come from a family with a rich history of being known for their colorful and quirky sense of humor.”

This is not her first attempt at a New Yorker cartoon. In 1980, she imagined a cartoon, then had someone draw the scene while she created the caption. Perhaps ahead of its time, her creation was not accepted back then. Kathy says: “I find humor in the commonality that people share. When given the cartoon Danny distributed in his lecture, it seemed to me that both of the folks at the bar would aspire to adjust themselves, from the inside as well as their outward appearance. The anchor to the caption, of course, was that the big guy was already an invention.”

