Class Evaluations Count

Class Evaluations Count


By Bill Tuel

As we near the end of classes for our Spring 2018 semester, please do take the time to fill out your class evaluations. You will be receiving them by email or you can find them on Your feedback is important.

At the end of the Fall 2017 semester, you submitted over 800 evaluation responses, a response rate of 40%. You also took the time to make 1,341 individual comments. The Curriculum Committee appreciates the time and thought you put into those. Ratings and comments about individual courses were given to the course producer to be shared with the presenter.

You also had 128 “other” comments on LLI in general, and those were shared with the entire Committee and with the LLI Council. Most of your comments were positive. Many members missed the social time that came with lunch; the new class schedule, with a break from 1:00 to 1:40 is in direct response to your feedback.

Photo courtesy Barbara Herles (LLI)