How is LLI Doing?
Election Results
Ollie Johnson confirmed the election results:
- Tom Esposito, president
- Jan Wallen, first vice president
- Susan Hirsch, treasurer;
- Chuck Mishaan and Cathy Reinis, members at large.
Ollie added that e-voting was a success. Members were able to anonymously vote for the slate of candidates and LLI was able to limit voting to one vote per members.

Money matters
Treasurer Susan Hirsch reviewed specifics of the proposed $53,275 budget for fiscal year 7/1/18 to 6/30/19. Most of our money ($51,625) is expected to come from membership dues while the balance is from money paid to attend a luncheon and fees paid by nonmembers to attend Summerfest.
The 2018/2019 budget differs from the previous budget in three major ways: increasing the membership fee to $175; reducing expenditures by eliminating the wine-and-cheese reception for presenters, switching from a luncheon to brunch for the annual meeting, and spending less on the fall luncheon; and spending more on necessary technology.
The budget was approved by acclamation.
Two member presenters at the meeting said that LLI needed to express its appreciation of presenters more effectively. The presenters’ reception at the end of each term had been cancelled because it was costly and did not attract many presenters, but no replacement had been put in place. Tom agreed to discuss alternative ways to express our appreciation of the presenters with the Council.

A raffle provided 12 fortunate members with a ticket for a free meal at Kline Commons. New member Susan Wingate was even luckier, with the winning number for a free annual membership.
Joan Tower Recognition
A highlight of the meeting was the chance to honor Joan Tower, who is widely regarded as one of the most important American composers living today. To mark Professor Tower’s 80th birthday, Tom Esposito announced that LLI will increase its donation to the Joan Tower Scholarship Fund from $1000 to $3000.
Professor Tower spoke briefly about her joy in teaching LLI classes. She then introduced five of her students who joined her in performing several short compositions. After the performance, she received a standing ovation and a bouquet of fresh flowers from around Bard. Her delight in sharing music with her students and audience members has enriched LLI classes for many years, and we are grateful for her continued support.

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