Registration for Fall Classes August 1 – 15
Members can register using the form below
Registration for Fall 2018 classes is now open. To register online, fill out the form below. You need to know your LLI Membership Number (it was on the email from LLI about registration).
As you fill out the form, remember the number and letter of the one class you most want, and we will make every effort to see that you are enrolled in that class. For popular classes, LLI registration does give priority, as explained in this policy:
Priority in registration is given to class managers and audio-visual team members for the classes that they are assigned to support. Council members, committee chairs, committee members, and member-presenters are each given priority for one first-choice class per term. The member-presenters’ priority is given for the two terms following the term in which they teach. Any remaining registrations are selected by lottery.
Shortly after registration closes, you will receive an email with your class assignments. If you then wish to make changes, be sure to use the Drop/Add facility, as explained in that email, as many people do make changes and a class you wanted may open up.
For any questions, send an email to registration@lli.bard.edu or call (845) 758-7314.