If Eleanor Roosevelt Could Tweet

If Eleanor Roosevelt Could Tweet

If Eleanor Roosevelt Could Tweet

“She would be asking us to learn about each other, and expand our horizons of who that ‘other’ is. She would be asking us to not be afraid of someone else’s way of living, but instead to find it interesting and allowable. And she would be asking us to focus on peace.”
– Anne Eleanor Roosevelt

As we approach the end of 2018, we look to the New Year with optimism and hope. The Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) is committed to the ideal that institutions of higher education can and should operate in the public interest. CCE’s programs and partnerships reflect a shared commitment to understanding, collaboration, hard work, and risk-taking that lifts our aspirations and builds community. We applaud the courage of our students to be the change they seek. No initiatives demonstrate this more than Brothers at Bard and the Bard Sanctuary Fund, which we hope you will consider supporting.

Brothers at Bard (BAB) is changing the narrative for young men of color in nearby Kingston, New York. Through the passion and dedication of its leaders, BAB is now an institutional initiative that is expanding to the Bard Early Colleges and building a national model for mentoring young men of color on and off campus. The success of BAB is what happens when idealistic students have ownership and the support they need to make their vision a reality.  Read about BAB’s plans for the future in the last of a three-part series. 

The Bard Sanctuary Fund supports undocumented immigrants and refugees by providing scholarship, living, and other necessary support while students are enrolled at Bard. With your generosity, the Sanctuary Fund is currently supporting two full scholarships and multiple partial scholarships for talented and motivated students, who would otherwise not be able to study at Bard. Bard has a long history as a refuge for vulnerable populations.  

At this time of great uncertainty – now more than ever – your gift to support Brothers at Bard and the Bard Sanctuary Fund demonstrates that change takes courage. Every gift matters and your commitment encourages others to act.

After this inspiring year, we at the Center for Civic Engagement wish you a hopeful and courageous 2019.

With warm wishes,

Jonathan Becker