3 MLK Jr. Events Sponsored by CCE

3 MLK Jr. Events Sponsored by CCE

Invitation to LLI Members

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others?'”

The Center for Civic Engagement has invited LLI members to participate in three events during their Martin Luther King Day of Engagement on Monday, January 21, 2019: a community fair, a panel discussion, and a workshop.

Martin Luther King Jr.
Community Fair in Red Hook

Event 1: Community Fair

Beyond Recycling: Repair, Reuse, Rethink, and Commit to Community

Red Hook Community Center, 11:30 – 2:30, Monday, January 21

Family friendly. Mix sustainability, crafts, cooking, science (for kids and adults), community engagement, and a lot of fun this coming Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

Event 2: Panel Discussion

Commit to Action

Olin Auditorium, Bard College, January 21, 12 pm (no registration necessary)

A panel of local leaders in a conversation that connects their personal stories with their civic action.

During this discussion, you can:

  • Learn how to identify fake news
  • Orient yourself to community action leadership
  • Learn about the trans formative impact of the arts in an anti-racism training
  • Develop ways to communicate across the aisle
  • Hone your culinary skills to make food for a local pantry.  

Panelists include:

  • Cammie Jones, Moderator, Assistant Dean for CCE at Bard College
  • Matt Martini, Northern Hudson Valley Regional Representative for NYS Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli
  • Rev. Giancarlo Llaverias, County Legislator
  • Leslie Tracey, financial professional, and active local volunteer
  • Sarah Salem, Director of Development, Dutchess Outreach and Council Member, City of Poughkeepsie Common Council
Commit to Action Demonstration
Drawdown Cover

Event 3: Workshop

The Climate Solutions Culture: Skill Building for the Climate Reality Future.”

Olin Hall, 1 pm, January 21 (registration required)

This session will introduce learners of all ages to the climate crisis and the dynamic emergence of a solutions culture. 

Project Drawdown, with its rigorously modeled set of 100 most promising climate solutions, will provide a window into opportunities for reducing our footprint and strengthening the movement.  

A team from Sustainable Hudson Valley will engage participants through an introductory Climate Reality presentation, an overview of Project Drawdown, a round table on outreach strategies, and a small group exercise that will produce tangible products for use in campus engagement.

Registration for workshop required. To register, email civic@bard.edu

The facilitator is Laurie Husted, Chief Sustainability Officer, Bard Office of Sustainability, and a team from Sustainable Hudson Valley