Intersession Week 2: January 16

Intersession Week 2: January 16

Intersession Week 2

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Flex Your Memory to Master Names and Faces

Building relationships start with remembering someone’s name. Getting a name right inspires confidence from the outset and helps others remember you—a powerful advantage in any personal or professional situation. Come learn why we often retain many details about the people we meet but forget their names almost at once. Engage in enjoyable, imagination-based exercises that teach you how to make names stick. Understand why “flexing your memory” is as vital to your health as diet, exercise, and rest.


Brent Sverdloff has been a practitioner of trained-memory methods for 40 years. Brent has helped countless students and professionals across the country improve their powers of recall. His popular book—How Could I Forget You! A Creative Way to Remember Names and Faces—has led to interviews with Forbes magazine and many other media outlets. Learn more at

1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

John Burroughs’ “Natural Religion”

John Burroughs is best known for luminous nature essays which made him one of 19th-century America’s most celebrated writers. Less well known is Burroughs’ engagement with the scientific and religious issues of the period. Later essays mused on the decline of institutional religion, Darwin’s impact on religious beliefs, and the spiritual value of nature amid such flux. The presentation will focus on how Burroughs negotiated tensions between his heaven-centered fundamentalist upbringing and the scientifically informed, earth-centered views he developed, while still embracing a profoundly “religious” sense of the cosmos.


Anne Richey (LLI) is the author of Church of the Robin’s Ha-Ha!: John Burroughs’ “Natural Religion” and Other Poems. Her work has appeared in regional and national poetry journals and has been frequently anthologized. She has taught numerous poetry classes for Bard LLI. John Burroughs is a special interest. She is a docent at both Woodchuck Lodge and Slabsides, Burroughs’ writing retreats.

About LLI Intersession

All presentations are in Bertelsmann Campus Center, Weis Cinema. Registration is NOT required.  
The Down the Road Café in the Campus Center will be open from 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. serving lunches and drinks. Tables are also available for lunch brought from home and elsewhere.

LLI members and presenters may bring individual guests and are welcome at every presentation. The Bard community of faculty, staff and students are also welcome. 

Presentations canceled due to inclement weather will not be rescheduled. We will use the Red Hook School System for closings; call their information line at 845-758-2241, visit their website at or