Intersession Week 3: January 23
Intersession Week 3
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Theater in a Conflict Zone: Cultural Resistance
Cultural resistance, by creating art, is a key element in the fight for human rights. The presenter has worked for the past 11 years to support a theater and cultural center in the West Bank of Palestine. Using that experience as an example, she will talk about how the existence or absence of art affects people, including the constraints on and possibilities of art in a conflict zone. The class will see a short docudrama about an armed resistance fighter who laid down his arms to become an actor.
Felice Gelman (LLI) is a retired investment manager. She has traveled extensively in Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel. She spent the last 11 years working to support a theater and cultural center in the city of Jenin in the West Bank of Palestine — The Freedom Theatre. She also helped produce three of The Freedom Theatre’s plays in the United States.
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Dream Wisdom: Rediscovering Ourselves Through Our Dreams
This introductory workshop will highlight some of the ways we can access our inner dream wisdom through examining some of the many fascinating aspects of dreams such as: where dreams come from; how dreams have influenced some important figures in history/HERstory; the mechanism behind psychic and telepathic dreams; some of the ways women’s dreams differ from men’s; and how dreams can serve as a powerful source of inner healing and guidance. The workshop will also include information on enhancing dream recall and methods for exploring the meaning of dreams.
Lynda Wisdo has an MA in Transpersonal Studies/Spiritual Mentoring with a focus on feminine spirituality, as well as certifications in Yoga, Transpersonal Hypnosis, Reiki, and Tarot for Women. She is the author of the memoir Menopause in Crisis~When Spiritual Emergency Meets the Feminine Midlife Passage and facilitates various private and group classes in Yoga and Women’s Wellness.
About LLI Intersession
All presentations are in Bertelsmann Campus Center, Weis Cinema. Registration is NOT required.
The Down the Road Café in the Campus Center will be open from 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. serving lunches and drinks. Tables are also available for lunch brought from home and elsewhere.
LLI members and presenters may bring individual guests and are welcome at every presentation. The Bard community of faculty, staff and students are also welcome.
Presentations canceled due to inclement weather will not be rescheduled. We will use the Red Hook School System for closings; call their information line at 845-758-2241, visit their website at redhookcentralschools.org or cancellations.com.