Intersession Week 4: January 30
Intersession Week 4
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
World War I and the End of the Golden Age
1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Three Summers at the South Pole
The South Pole Telescope is a 10–meter– diameter radio telescope located a kilometer from the geographic South Pole in Antarctica. In the austral summer of 2010, the presenter was part of a small group that went to the pole to make some major repairs to the instrument. He returned in 2011 and 2014. Come learn about the scientific mission of the South Pole Telescope and what it is like to live and work in the harsh climate of Antarctica.
Chris Kendall is a lifelong resident of Dutchess County. He studied Mathematics at Bard College and graduated in 1982. He has made a career in the construction business as a builder and cabinet maker. He also works as a photographer of architecture and art. He lives in Rhinebeck.
About LLI Intersession
All presentations are in Bertelsmann Campus Center, Weis Cinema. Registration is NOT required.
The Down the Road Café in the Campus Center will be open from 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. serving lunches and drinks. Tables are also available for lunch brought from home and elsewhere.
LLI members and presenters may bring individual guests and are welcome at every presentation. The Bard community of faculty, staff and students are also welcome.
Presentations canceled due to inclement weather will not be rescheduled. We will use the Red Hook School System for closings; call their information line at 845-758-2241, visit their website at redhookcentralschools.org or cancellations.com.