Registration — How We Assign You to Your Classes

Registration — How We Assign You to Your Classes

Registration Magic Revealed

Unlike many other LLIs and educational institutions, Bard LLI does not use a first-come, first-served method of assigning members to classes. Over many years we have developed a registration system that has worked well, is fair, and rewards those who have actively participated in the governance and management of the organization.

After developing and distributing the Spring course catalog, the LLI Curriculum Committee works with course producers and presenters to estimate the number of members likely to request each class, and, where appropriate, limitations on the number of enrollees to ensure that the class works well. The Registration Committee then consults with Bard College staff to assign an appropriate room for each course, taking into account likely enrollment, AV needs, and appropriate environment.

Registration Magic

Registration Process

Most Member Requests Granted

After registration closes, on February 22nd, all member requests are filtered through our registration database. Except for some very popular or restricted classes, member class requests are fulfilled as submitted.

Priority System, When Needed

For classes that are oversubscribed, the Bard LLI Registration system has developed its priority system. Enrollment in these oversubscribed classes is assigned as follows:

Members who have agreed to serve as class managers or AV assistants for any class are assigned to that class.

Members of Council, standing committee chairs and members (and their subcommittees) are given priority for the one class they have indicated as their most-wanted class.

Remaining members who have selected these oversubscribed classes are each assigned a random number for each of these classes that they have requested. The list of member requests for each of these classes is then sorted by their random number, lowest to highest, and members are then assigned to each class in sequence up to the capacity of that class.

Drop/Add Option

Any classes that can accommodate additional students after the completion of this registration process are then made available through our online Drop/Add form. The Drop/Add form will be active after the early March notification to members of their class assignments through the first two weeks of classes.