Seniors Honor Seniors — LLI Gives Back
LLI Supports Senior Students
Every spring, LLI members with classes in Reem-Kayden see a series of posters lining the hallways. These are summaries of the science students’ senior projects–a graduation requirement and the culmination of several years’ work by Bard students
But senior projects are done in all majors and we have a unique chance to learn about them. LLI supports the work of several students with grants that cover some of the expenses of the work, and we celebrate the students each spring at the Seniors-to-Seniors tea. Keep an eye on your email for an announcement date.

Bard Senior Grants from LLI
LLI grants to Bard College graduating seniors are the Dean Emeritus Stuart Stritzler-Levine Seniors-to-Seniors Grants. Dean Levine supported the creation of LLI at the college and served as the college’s liaison to LLI for many years. We honored his contributions to LLI by naming these student grants after him.
Grants this year are going to Alexander Beatty, Tong Su, Celia Faux, Sophie Logan, Sancia Nash, Jeszack Gammon, and Abigail Sullivan. Their work addresses a very broad range of topics in the arts and sciences. You will learn more about their work and have a chance to talk with them at the upcoming luncheon but meanwhile here are a few teasers.
Alex Beatty, a German Studies major, has translated the only published novel of biologist Jacob von Uexhull, founder of the field of biosemiotics, whose work focused on how organisms perceive their environment.
Sancia Nash has drawn on her own family history to create a written and visual ethnography of the Japanese colonial presence in China. She is a film and anthropology major.
American Studies major Jeszack Gammon’s multimedia senior project focuses on the experience of the black male in America.
Celia Faux is writing a history of absinthe in France in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Psychology major Abigail Sullivan worked at the Bard nursery school to collect the data for her project looking at the impact of gendered information on preschoolers’ memory/preference.
Tong Su, a philosophy and psychology major from China, is doing empirical research on the relationship between gender and the mind/body dichotomy.
Sophie Logan, an economics major, is studying how people choose between conflicting values in environmental, social, and governance investing.
And Julie Roberts, with a double major in studio art and biology, is using art to examine our increasing disassociation from our environment and the things in it.
After the students present their work, tea, sandwiches, and desserts will be served and you will have a chance to ask questions and talk with them.
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