Results of the Annual Members Survey: What You Said

Results of the Annual Members Survey: What You Said

What You Said

Almost half of the Bard LLI membership (149 people) took the time to respond to the recent survey, often with specific comments about different aspects of their experience. This feedback will help guide LLI’s leadership as they work to improve our time together learning and socializing. To find out what some of your friends are thinking, click the read more button below

Campus Life: Kline

Campus Life

Several members said they love being on the Bard campus, both because of the beautiful landscape and the opportunity to interact with students.

  • “The campus is so beautiful that it is a bonus course in itself. It is also fun to see the young students going about their day—brings back happy memories.”
  • “I really enjoy the campus atmosphere…to peruse the bulletin boards and to check out the student projects/opportunities advertised there…”
  •  “I like that many of the Bard students I encounter engage in eye contact and offer a smile.”

Parking availability still gets mixed reviews. On the plus side:

  •  “Parking was much improved for the most recent semester.”
  •  “Thanks for the improved parking for handicapped students!”


  • “Can’t find a parking place to get to class on time.”

A major benefit of being on campus was the opportunity to socialize with other LLI members.

  •  “I love the formal and informal group interactions.”
  • “Like being in the company of smart, dedicated people my age.”

Building to Building

About 70% of respondents were willing to walk between buildings some distance apart, even if a few reported occasional difficulties.

  • “Going from Bard Hall to the Math & Science building is a hike, but I probably need the  exercise.”
  •  “Walking is sometimes difficult for me but it actually was pleasant to quietly stroll from Olin to the Science Building.”

Not everyone was so comfortable.

  •  “I dropped a class because I was concerned about the distance from following class.”

But the most common complaint about getting from building to building? Walking in the rain!

  • “Can you do something about the rain EVERY Friday!!”

Newsletter and Emails

LLI publishes its newsletter once a month and emails as needed to update members about various opportunities and issues. About 80% of respondents were strongly positive:

  • “The newsletter is always informative and interesting…great job!!”
  •  “I like being informed about upcoming events.”

Members had several suggestions about content.

  •  “Would enjoy more news about members.”
  • “If the Curriculum Committee is interested in promoting specific courses and areas, it might offer more information about presenters and their interests.”
  • “(I)f possible, more information/communication about Bard events LLI members can avail themselves of.”
  •  “A directory of members willing to be included would be extremely helpful for remembering names and meeting people.”

People’s reactions to the new format for the newsletter varied.

  • “Love the new format of the newsletter,” 


  • “PLEASE do not post READ MORE. I want to be able to print out the newsletter … and read it on paper.”

And some people simply wanted less.

  • “I read everything, but wish there were less. The newsletter seems unnecessary.”
  •  “There tends to be too many emails.”

Catalog: Print or Online?

Almost two-thirds of members were fine with just using the online version.

  •  “I used to print it but now I don’t miss it and like saving a tree.”
  • “The current catalog is designed for printing whereas an online one would have far better navigation and not be so space constrained.”

 A third still want the print option for all or part of the catalog.

  •  “I want to be able to print the catalog with all the course descriptions and info about the presenters. I need to be able to write on the pages.”
  • “I have problems reading the computer, there should be some print catalogs available for people like me.”
  • “Only need to print out the summary page.-
Anticipating a good read

More to Come

Next month, we will review your feedback on the curriculum, the hospitality room, procedure for course registration, the Bard LLI website, and possible social activities.