More Member Opinions

More Member Opinions


The 2020 Member Survey gave members a chance to express their opinion about several issues that affect our experience with LLI. Last month, we covered members’ responses to questions about online learning, obviously a subject of immediate importance given the need to stay at home. These responses were instrumental in the decision to try online learning for SummerFest. This month, we will review member responses to three less immediate issues: taking courses with Bard students, donating to Bard College as a thank you for all the college does for us, and setting up a email address for each member. In addition, we will highlight member responses to an open-ended question about what they like or don’t like about their experience with Bard LLI. These responses provide guidance for Council to consider in making decisions that affect how LLI is run. Here is a representative sample of what 212 members had to say.

Sharing Courses with Bard Students

Almost three-quarters of members (72.4%) applauded the idea, while another quarter (25.2%) were willing to consider it.


  • I like the wider exposure to opinions.
  • They would have to be virtual for me to sign up.
  • I like the intergenerational interactions.
  • College students have a variety of interests and much to offer
  • It would be interesting to hear responses from Bard students who are of a different generation as well as from a different culture.
  • What’s to dislike? I’d like to experience Bard faculty teaching across generations.
  • How energizing and stimulating it is to be around them. Zero downside to this.
  • Always felt that intergenerational learning adds interesting and unexpected dimension.
  • I find it’s enlightening as well as energizing to share ideas with younger people, as their passion and openness to new things is refreshing and informative.

Mixed Reaction

  • Worry that some LLI members would not be respectful of the students actually or talk down to them, etc. Maybe instructors might show preference toward students? But overall, if I was interested in curriculum, I wouldn’t hesitate participating in such a course.
  • It depends on the course.
  • I think the courses should be offered as an experiment during the pandemic, not a commitment to do this indefinitely.
  • Don’t want to see overly large classes dominated by the Bard students.
  • My hesitation came more from possible subject areas which I might not find appealing.


  • I don’t see that there would be much positive exchange between students in a graded course, trying to learn a discipline, and LLI members who have a tendency to lead the lecture off on tangents that they find interesting.
  • If these courses are larger than the current course at LLI, the discussion may be limited. I would not want to have a course that is simply lecture with no class participation.
  • A good idea but I’ve no interest in participating.
  • I would be careful about sharing too much curriculum with the Bard student body. It’s important to me that LLI remain a discrete, distinct entity that exists for the exclusive benefit of its members.

Bard Donations

  • Most (88%) members knew a portion of their fee went towards donations to Bard. There were various reactions about LLI’s decision to do so, with some pushback about the membership fees.


  • Bard is a positive asset to our community. It is an honor to team up with them.
  • Bard has been very generous in sharing classroom space with LLI for many, many years. I think it is appropriate and essential that we support Bard in whatever way we can.
  • Providing the opportunity for learning and giving back is who we are and what we should all be doing as a shared community.
  • It is extremely important to me that LLI donate in the most substantive way possible to Bard College even if it means raising the tuition. What a gift we are getting for $175! Please consider an annual appeal whereby LLI members can donate to a Bard fund as a year-end tax-deductible gift.
  • The opportunity to have classes on campus and enjoy Bard is priceless.
  • They give us everything (rooms, technology, support).
  • Important. Especially in these times, Bard needs it badly.
  • I think it’s great that we are able to help Bard students who may otherwise not have things like art supplies and to help departments whose members have contributed to Bard LLI.
  • It seems Bard has plenty of money but they are gracious to allow and accommodate the needs of seniors.


  • I would prefer that those funds be used to give an honorarium to presenters/ instructors of LLI courses. I know presenters would appreciate the gesture, it would give them an incentive to continue with the program. And I doubt that LLI gives enough money to Bard to make a difference in its ability to function at a high level.
  • Our fee has gotten a bit high for my budget.
  • I know of more than a few students who object to paying higher fees so that we can make contributions to Bard.
  • If participation is going to be available online now, I would like to see a reduction in our fee. In fact, I think next year’s fee should be cut in half, due to no classes this semester. EMAIL ADDRESSES

Somewhat more than half (63%) of members wanted a dedicated Bard email address, and another group (21%) would consider it. However, some (16%) rejected the idea.


  • All email in one place seems more efficient.
  • I like the idea very much, especially if we are going to be doing online classes.
  • I would be willing to do this if it will make the administration of LLI more efficient.
  • Excellent idea. In the past several LLI emails were not received because they went to junk mail.
  • It makes it easier to keep the LLI program and classes separate from my general mail.
  • If there is a way for an email to be directly sent to my yahoo or gmail accts, I would have no problem.


  • I already monitor 2 email addresses and 4 FB accounts.
  • It would be inconvenient to have to continuously check another address.
  • Too much email.
  • Unclear about the advantage of doing this.


Finally, members had a lot to say about what they like about Bard LLI and what they would like to change.

Comments about Classes

  • In these trying times I look forward to the educational opportunities that LLI offers.
  • I would like to see some interactive art classes and hands-on art and music classes.
  • I’m hoping we might be able to schedule some small classes (5-10 participants) on campus, where social distancing and appropriate precautions are observed.
  • I am interested in possible outdoor classes.
  • Would like courses related to current national events.
  • It may be of value to continue online classes for the benefit of those who are unable to attend classes in person.
  • Given our contemporary national experience, I would appreciate more classes on government.
  • Virtual museum visits.
  • Smaller classes … Less classes about war.


  • Sorry that we could not have our social events, as it is such an important way to meet people, to connect with others from the community and to brainstorm.
  • I feel a real sense of loss and community with my fellow members. I am not sure how you can successfully plan for the future of anything really until this awful pandemic is over.
  • Until there is a viable, safe vaccine or equivalent treatment modality, given the LLI demographic, a change in our usual interaction may be necessary for the foreseeable future.
  • 6 feet away or together, we’re here to stay.

Scheduling Issues

  • Could classes be held on other days in addition to Friday, what other venues might be available?
  • A 1:00 lunch hour is too late. …In earlier years, lunch was 12:15 to 1:15 after two periods of classes. … That schedule promoted the social life of LLI.
  • The registration system implemented this Spring only benefits people who can schedule all their time around LLI. If you were not immediately available to register on the specified Saturday morning, you got shut out of a lot of classes.

Thanks to all who offered their ideas and opinions. LLI exists for the benefit of its members, and your input will help guide our plans for the future.