Working Together to Make it Happen
Did you take a class this fall? Sign on to a team to help with moving online? Please reach over your shoulder and pat yourself on the back: you are indeed a lifetime learner!
Fall 2020 was a semester unlike any other in LLI’s history. Brand-new teams formed in a flash over the spring and summer. Long-time presenters and first-time presenters ventured into the virtual learning space. And LLI members sat down in front of their devices, figured out ProClass, registered for courses, and learned how to Zoom. And we had New Member Orientation and Social Events online! How did it all happen?

Thank You, Presenters
In this issue, you can read in detail about the experiences of our presenters in adapting to online classes. Preparing a seven-week course is always a long process—and this year it was made longer by the added learning curve of moving to Zoom. To each and every presenter, thank you!
No Curriculum Team, No LLI
Thanks to Anne Sunners and the Curriculum Team for working with presenters to produce a rich array of courses that could be taught in our new environment. It was a big effort to assess the readiness of our presenters, match them with tech support, and figure out our new two-day schedule.

LLI Online Formed
This new team formed in April, under the leadership of Susan Christoffersen and Carmela Gersbeck, to coordinate the move to Zoom—first for the Annual Meeting, then for SummerFest, and then for Fall 2020. Its members ranged from long-time LLI members to people in their very first year of membership.They met weekly, and then worked with their committees. To each and every member of this team—THANK YOU!
Tech Team Expands
Deborah Schwartz and her team welcomed several new members to set everything up in ProClass and Zoom, to answer member questions, and to work personally with members struggling with the technology. The website expanded, too, with advice galore on how to use ProClass, how to use Zoom, and also with links to the wonderful opportunities offered by Bard and in particular CCE. Techhelp@lli.bard.edu is always available to members. For all that the Tech Team does—THANK YOU!

Session Managers
In May, Jeff Christensen joined the LLI Online Team, bringing extensive experience in running Zoom meetings. Working with Susan and Carmela, he began recruiting and training additional people to take the newly created job of Session Manager— being the host of a Zoom meeting. By the time we sat down for our fall classes, a total of 19 members, some of whom joined only in 2020, had stepped up. And we all thank them as they calmly admit us to class, support the presenter, and solve any tech problems.
New Member Orientation and Social Gatherings
Kim Sears stepped up to assist Membership Development in welcoming new members, with a tour of our virtual world instead of the Bard campus. Their online orientation is being followed by some online social events, including a number of mentor-mentee gatherings. The feedback from the new members is very positive. Thank you to this team!

The Communications Team stepped up to send members information, write about all the changes in the newsletter, and develop plans to support the rollout of ProClass, the registration process, using Zoom—and all the changes and wonderful efforts of our teams. Thanks!
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