An Invitation to Run for Council

An Invitation to Run for Council

by Mary McClellan


Nominations are now being accepted for our 2024 election cycle for Council, the main governing body of LLI. Council comprises five elected officers, four elected members at large, and five standing committee chairpersons appointed by the president. Terms for all elected officers are two years. Elections are held every year, with different positions becoming available each year.  Nominations will be accepted through January 12, 2024.

This year we will nominate and elect:
1st Vice President
Two Members at Large
Council meetings will give you the opportunity to contribute your ideas about how LLI can be run while working with some interesting, dedicated people. Although three of the four positions are currently occupied by members who have decided to run for an additional term, every member is welcome to run for office.

Robert Beaury, President
Mary McClellan, 1st Vice President
Jerry Brockett, Outgoing Treasurer
Kayla Bell, Member at Large
Michael Weinstock, Member at Large

Council Position Responsibilities and Terms

The president presides at all Council and annual meetings, serves as chairperson of the Executive Committee, and often serves as chairperson of the Governance Committee. The president also serves on the Planning and Evaluation Committee and the Finance Committee. The president serves as an ex officio member of all other committees and appoints standing committee chairs, subject to approval by Council. In collaboration with the LLI Liaison to the Center for Civic Engagement, the president maintains and works to strengthen LLI’s long-standing relationship with Bard College. The initial term is two years, with the option to be nominated for one additional two-year term.
The current holder of this office is Robert Beaury, who has decided to run for an additional term.

1st Vice President
The 1st vice president performs the president’s duties in case of their absence, serves as a member of the Executive Committee and the Planning and Evaluation Committee, serves as an ex officio member of all other committees, and chairs the Nominations and Election Team. The 1st vice president provides orientation and training for new Council members. They also conduct an annual membership survey on LLI matters, report the results, and perform other duties as assigned by the president. The initial term is two years, with the option to be nominated for two additional two-year terms.
The current holder of this office is Mary McClellan, who has decided to run for an additional term.

The treasurer is a member of the Executive Committee and serves on the Planning and Evaluation Committee. The treasurer prepares a financial statement for all Council meetings and an annual report. The treasurer serves on the Finance Committee, prepares an annual budget for Council approval, and reports it to the membership at the annual meeting for adoption. The treasurer works with the office of the comptroller of Bard College to process disbursements and receipts of LLI at Bard. The treasurer also serves as liaison to Bard High School Early College (BHSEC) for student stipends and, together with the LLI president, as liaison to Bard administration regarding LLI donations to the College. The treasurer manages the annual Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine Seniors-to-Seniors Scholarship distributions to assist students with their senior projects. The treasurer may perform other duties as assigned by the LLI President. The initial term is two years, with the option to be nominated for two additional two-year terms.
The current holder of this office is Jerry K. Brockett, who has decided not to run for an additional term.

Member at Large
Members at large represent the interests of the general membership. They serve on the Nominations and Election Committees and may perform other duties as assigned by the president. Two members at large will be elected in 2024. The initial term is two years, with the option to be nominated for two additional terms.
Kayla Bell and Michael Weinstock are current holders of this office. Both have decided to run for additional terms.

Three Ways to Become a 2023 Candidate

Nominate Yourself. If you want to support and contribute to the mission of LLI and are up to the tasks of an open Council position, we encourage you to step forward and nominate yourself. Please contact either or (Active LLI members only.)
Nominate Another LLI Member. Perhaps you know of a member with the talents needed for a Council position. Please speak with that member to see if they are interested in running. If they are, please nominate them by contacting either or (Active LLI members only.)

Nominations By The Nominations and Elections Committee. The Nominations and Elections Committee will also seek candidates for open offices.

What Happens Next?

Nominations will be accepted through January 12, 2024. You may submit more than one nomination. All nominations are confidential.
Once the nominations are submitted, the Nominations Committee will talk with all the nominees to review the position and to confirm that the nominees are prepared to serve.
The candidate will be asked to submit a brief biography, 150 words or less, and a photo that will be used in the election ballot. The election will be held in March.
LLI needs both continuity and fresh ideas in our Council. The Nominations Committee welcomes your interest and response. If you have questions, please contact Mary McClellan, Nominations Committee Chair, at