Reviewing WinterFest

by Deborah Lanser


This year’s WinterFest presentations were generally a hit, with members commonly giving them the top ratings of 4 or 5 on the evaluation form. A few expressed some reservations, however, providing ratings between 1 and 3. Likewise, presenters were generally given top marks, albeit sometimes with some constructive suggestions for improvement. Members provided comments about the background materials and the Q&A sessions at the end of each presentation. The Curriculum Committee will use the feedback to assess which sessions might be repeated and how the presenters could improve.  Here’s a sampling of the many insightful comments. 

Course Content

The positives:

  • This was an extraordinary presentation.
  • That was so much fun with great photos and background information.
  • Informative and engaging–among the best.
  • Well presented, fully developed and enlightened.
  • I didn’t want it to end.
  • Took a very difficult scientific topic and made it very approachable to the nonscientist.
  • This worked well on Zoom and I suspect even better in an in-person format with added classes.
  • I’ve been thinking about it all day.
  • This was a lot of good information that I was completely unaware of.
  • I definitely benefited from it.

The reservations:

  • Very intellectual content mostly went over my head.
  • Could have been simplified.
  • Perhaps the title or description could have been a bit clearer.
  • A bit slow. But overall pretty good.
  • Sometimes left some of us listeners in the dust as too much info.
  • Important but oh, so dry.
  • The information was presented in a way that it was hard to take notes.


Most reactions were positive:

  • The presenter was clearly knowledgeable and passionate, making it a pleasure to listen to her.
  • You don’t get any better than [the presenter].
  • Lively sense of humor, easily understandable.
  • Speaker was tightly organized and time flew by.
  • Presenter had a nice conversational voice and not a “lecture” speaking voice. 
  • The presenter did a great job breaking the material down into understandable chunks.

With some qualifiers:

  • The material was great but the presenter was not as good as the material.
  • The almost flippant remarks and tone distracted from the experience.
  • Class would be better if the presenter were more respectful.
  • [The presenter] obviously knows her topic but needs to understand that the audience does not.
  • I might suggest that…for note-takers like me, he leave the informational images on the screen for a bit longer.

Class Participation

  • I was very moved by the expertise exhibited by so many of our LLI members.
  • Again our LLI members are smarty-pants, in a good way, and add to the discussion with their questions, comments, and additions.
  • This session engaged and invoked many comments/questions.
  • A number of issues came up in the Q&A that might be worth addressing in a future LLI class. 
  • Unfortunately, the class ran so long there wasn’t much time for questions.

Should the Course Be Repeated?

  • I would recommend this class to others and I would even see it again.
  • I would recommend this class to people already knowledgeable about or experienced with the topic.
  • Excellent class. Presenter should teach a full semester course.
  • I would take again if information was presented in a different manner.
  • If repeated, maybe simplified and shortened.


The positives: 

  • This was another excellent team effort involving the presenter, the session manager and producer.
  • Having it on Zoom actually was an advantage as easier for lower speaking voices or less distinctive voices to be understood. 
  • Thanks to all at LLI who made this presentation possible.

And the limitations:

  • There were some significant problems with technical aspects,
  • Presenters should be able to handle their own PowerPoint presentations. The breaks between slides were choppy as [the presenter] asked for “next slide” or “go back.”

Supplementary Materials

  • Could have used more visuals.
  • Recommend labeling slides.
  • Would like class notes or outline of materials.
  • Connect clips a little more with concepts.
