Bard Partnership
LLI is a part of Bard
LLI at Bard operates under the umbrella of the Center for Civic Engagement (CCE) at Bard College.
Bard supports LLI
Bard provides LLI with substantial resources, including:
- Administrative support
- Technical support, such as hosting the LLI website
- Bard faculty, who frequently lecture in many of our courses
- Bard classrooms
- AV equipment
- Cinemas

CCE at Bard
The statement below is the mission statement of the Center for Civic Engagement, which has a remarkable reach into the surrounding local area and the global communities through its extensive programs. Browse around the CCE website,, learn about its many impressive programs, locally, around the country, and the world.
The Center for Civic Engagement at Bard College embodies the fundamental belief that education and civil society are inextricably linked. In an age of information overload, it is more important than ever that citizens be educated and trained to think critically and be actively engaged with issues affecting public life. Through its educational endeavors in the United States and abroad, CCE demonstrates a firm conviction that institutions of higher education can and should operate in the public interest.
CCE and the Bard network use their resources to develop vibrant and sustainable programs that tackle critical issues of education and public policy. With an entrepreneurial spirit and a sense of civic duty inspired by social consciousness, the Center for Civic Engagement creates and sustains reciprocal programs and relationships locally, nationally, and globally.
Events at LLI feature some CCE programs, such as:
- Participation in Jane Diamond and Denise Ryan’s Civic Engagement, Global Crises, and Imperialism courses
- LLI Intersession presentations
- The Bard Prison Initiative
- Brothers at Bard.
LLI members benefit from Bard
- Access to the beautiful Bard campus;
- Use of classrooms and classroom AV equipment;
- Use of the dining facilities;
- Bard library card.

LLI gifts to Bard
LLI has a regular program to provide donations, grants and incentives to Bard College. Each year, the LLI Finance Committee and Council review our annual budget and plan gifts for the coming year.
Bard Conservatory of Music
Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine Seniors-to-Seniors Scholarship Prize
The Bard Early College in New York Summer Intern Incentive
The Bard Center for Civic Engagement
Bard Office of Student Activities
The Fund for Visual Arts
Joan Tower Composition Scholarship
Bard College Audio-Visual Department
Montgomery Place
Bard Math Circle
Teaching Kit and Textbook Fund
US China Institute
Dean's Discretionary Fund
Check back for additional gifts to Bard
Check back for additional gifts to Bard
Check back for additional gifts to Bard
History of Bard LLI
In 2000, four local women met with Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine to explore the idea of starting a Lifetime Learning program under the aegis of Bard College. With the aid of Dean Levine and advice from the Center for Lifetime Study (CLS) program at Marist College, plans were made to begin the organization. The first fall semester offering nine courses was opened to 137 members in 2001. Over the past 20+ years, LLI has grown into a vibrant organization, offering Fall and Spring semesters, WinterFest and SummerFest programs, social events, special interest groups, and special programs for members, and collaborations with Bard College and other community institutions.
LLI membership is currently capped at 350.
LLI is part of bard cce
LLI is proud to be a part of Bard's community outreach under the Center for Civic Engagement at Bard College.
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