Blog Archives

New Members Share Their Enthusiasm and Suggestions


The 62 members of the LLI class of 2020 met the challenge of joining LLI with enthusiasm as it, of necessity, transformed itself into a vibrant online community. Most found their classes rewarding, despite the need to become familiar with Zoom. And of course, like all of us, many missed the opportunities for social interaction,

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WinterFest Reminder

Join Us!

WinterFest (formerly known as Intersession) continues next Wednesday, January 13, and on January 20 and 27, ending on February 3. Morning presentations run from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Afternoon presentations start at 1:30 p.m. and end at 3:00 p.m.

All sessions will be on Zoom.

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Bard LLI’s Rising Stars – Part 2


Bard LLI managed to produce their Online Programs starting with SummerFest in June 2020. The team that produced these programs had never heard of Zoom prior to March or April, and the success of Bard LLI’s online programs was the result of hours and hours of meetings, rehearsals, and planning sessions.

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The Right Man: Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine

In the Beginning . . .

Twenty-one years ago, Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine, sitting in his office in Ludlow, had been at Bard for 36 years and had been the dean of the college since 1980. He was having the usual busy day with a steady stream of visitors lined up outside his office door.

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A Lifetime of Learning: Giving Back to Bard

Bard High School Early College (BHSEC Manhattan): ongoing funding of four $500 scholarships for student summer internships in 2021. $2000

Bard’s Nursery School and Children’s Center: to help fund the new Open Air Adventure Club at Montgomery Place for grades K-5 to help young people play safely outdoors and learn hands-on about the local environment.

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Fall Classes Though a Zoom Lens


LLI members often have strong opinions, which we are willing to share when given a chance. That chance came when we were asked to complete our evaluation forms for the fall classes. As usual, those forms asked specifically about course content and presenter. However, many of us used the comments section to also provide feedback about how using Zoom affected various aspects of our class experience,

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Sara Hardman, LLI’s First President


Like three of the four founders of Bard LLI, Sara Hardman had recently moved to the area. She worried that there would be no cultural life. Little did she know! In her first week in her new home, she called the Red Hook Library hoping to find a book group.

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Bard LLI’s Rising Stars


If you took an online class at Bard LLI or registered on ProClass over the past seven months, you may have wondered how Bard LLI pulled it all together to transition from in-person classes to Zoom classes in a matter of weeks, while also transitioning to ProClass. Bard LLI’s technology rollouts and online programs were the result of hours and hours of meetings,

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Anique Sara Taylor


Artfully arranged atop her floral perch, awaiting her flock, she sips soup

No shame, no blame, no thoughts of unworthiness

Invent a new season, unravel black and white to equal red

Quake before richness of talent


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Working Together to Make it Happen


Did you take a class this fall? Sign on to a team to help with moving online? Please reach over your shoulder and pat yourself on the back: you are indeed a lifetime learner!

Fall 2020 was a semester unlike any other in LLI’s history. Brand-new teams formed in a flash over the spring and summer.

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