Blog Archives

LLIcense to Learn

by Chuck Mishaan

I’ve had the opportunity and pleasure of being a Bard LLI presenter for over 10 years. I’m frequently asked why I continue to maintain a heavy schedule of teaching at Bard and other Hudson Valley LLIs. My answer (though I don’t say this out loud) is because I’m selfish.

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Anne Sunners: From Cookie Lady to LLI President

by Deborah Lanser

Anne Sunners was the third president of LLI and later head of the Curriculum Committee.


About 25 years ago, a friend warned Anne Sunners to apply to Bard LLI quickly as there might be a waiting list. She joined immediately and during her first semester was captivated by a class on Chopin’s Études held in Olin Hall.

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Spring’s Learning Adventures

by Deborah Lanser

Get ready to start planning your spring class schedule when the catalog comes out on Wednesday, February 19. Once again, the Curriculum Committee has ensured we will be spoiled for choice. Are you interested in gardening, writing your memoir, learning to play bridge, speaking better,

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The Fairy Tale Experience

by Patty Kane Horrigan

Patty Kane Horrigan has been presenting courses on fairy tales at Bard LLI since 2015 and will be with us again this spring. Currently, she writes essays on fairy tales for Substack, which you can find at

Each time I start a new fairy tale class,

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We Can Build It, but Will They Come?

by Felice Gelman

In the 25 years since the founding of LLI, hundreds of people have participated in classes, presented classes, and joined in the management of the endeavor. When you consider that just four women gave birth to this organization, those numbers in themselves are a remarkable accomplishment.

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Pilot Pre-Registration For Spring ’25

by Mary McClellan

Feedback for LLI courses and programs is overall positive. Our membership generally expresses appreciation for the quality of our presenters and the caliber of their course content. The most frequently cited area of dissatisfaction with LLI has been the difficulty many members have experienced when trying to register for courses.

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Perspectives From My First Fall at LLI

by Anne Botsford

The music of The Orchestra Now (TŌN) first drew me to Bard, which is only 45 minutes from Poughkeepsie, where I live. I’d previously traveled by train for two hours to NYC for my essential music, but I attended TŌN concerts a few times with friends.

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Profiles of Our Founders: Sylvia Erber

by Felice Gelman

Twenty-five years ago, four women, members of a Red Hook Library book group—Sylvia Erber, Sara Hardman, Carol Lee, and Josette Lee—agreed that the area needed affordable high-quality education for seniors. The Marist College Center for Life Time Study had a years-long waiting list. There were no nearby alternatives.

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Bard LLI’s Curriculum and How It Grew

by Felice Gelman and Josette Lee
Up and Running in No Time

There is only one subject matter for education, and that is Life in all its manifestations.

— Alfred North Whitehead

When we look at the rich offerings in the Bard LLI catalog,

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Thank You, Joan Tower!

by Susan Phillips

This year Bard LLI celebrates its 25th anniversary offering courses to seniors with a desire to keep learning. Courses are taught by instructors from a wide variety of backgrounds. This includes many Bard professors who work with students all day and then show up to share their knowledge with older learners—for FREE!!

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