Special Programs Team
What We Do
The Special Programs Subcommittee finds the speakers(s) for the fall luncheon, annual meeting, winter intersession, and coordinates the art show.
Key Tasks
For the fall luncheon and spring brunch/annual meeting
- Secure a speaker or performance program for Fall Luncheon and Annual Meeting. Act as master of ceremonies for each event.
- Provide program details (date, location, timing, speaker) to Communications Subcommittee by submitting the related form so an invitation can be designed; and confirm details before Communications emails invitation to members.
- Notify Program Support Committee of AV/Tech needs, hospitality/food service/floral needs, and space (location) requirements.
- Registration Subcommittee tracks registration and fee receipts for these programs, and provides a check-in list for the entry table at each event.
- Notify Volunteer Coordinator of staffing needs for registration table.
- Coordinate with Art Show Chair to ensure artwork is hung and remains on view for up to a week for LLI members and Bard Community.
For winter intersession
- Plan two programs for four Wednesdays in January; secure speakers or interesting programs.
- Reserve Weis Cinema for presentations.
- Coordinate with AV/Tech to ensure speakers’ needs are met.
- Provide program information to Catalog chair.

Required Coordination
The Special Programs Committee coordinates with Administration/Infrastructure Committee, Program Support Committee, and Curriculum Committee by providing program-related details.
Time Commitment / Duration
- Subcommittee Chair works with the Curriculum Committee Chair to obtain any program support regarding the production of the program.
- On the day of the events, act as master of ceremony to introduce the guest speaker.

Special Skills
- Computer skills, especially formatting.
- Ability to work with teams.
- Attention to details.
- Ability to meet deadlines and work within a budget.
Arrange for Special Programs
You can help us finding interesting speakers for special programs.
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