Member Services Team
What We Do
The Members Services Team oversees orientation, mentor program and the new member reception held in the fall.
Key Tasks
- Host the fall orientations for new and current members.
- Operate a mentor program to familiarize new members with the organization.
- Plan the new member reception in the fall to interest new members in volunteering with LLI.
- Liaison with Bard departments (Security, Central Services, etc.) to obtain student photo IDs, car registration and parking information.
- Update member information and badges.
- Post room assignments sheets outside all classrooms, by elevators in Olin and Hegeman and any other buildings where LLI classes are held.

Required Coordination
This team works with Membership Development to coordinate member services.
Time Commitment / Duration
- This team works during the summer to plan and organize orientations and the mentor program.
- In the early fall, this team works to plan the new member reception.
- The mentor program can require several months of planning and evaluation.
- Post room assignments at the beginning of each semester and SummerFest.

Special Skills
- Knowledge of LLI organization and logistics
- Strong communication and coordination skills
- Attention to detail
You can help integrate new members into LLI
Help with the new member orientations, the mentor program and the new member reception.
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