Volunteer Development Team

What We Do

The Volunteer Development Team creates and implements a program for leadership development. This involves a multi-faceted program to recruit and train volunteers.

Key Tasks

  • Meet individually with potential volunteers to encourage them to volunteer with LLI.
  • Provide volunteer needs Communications Team to help recruit volunteers. 
  • Coordinate the assigning of volunteers to standing committees based on interest and skills.
  • Conduct periodic volunteer surveys in response to LLI operational needs.
  • Create and implement a program for leadership development.

Required Coordination

The Volunteer Development Team works with other Member Services Teams, Communications and with all standing committees. They also work with Bard Security and Bard Central Services.

Time Commitment / Duration

Periodic meetings throughout the year.

Special Skills

  • Experience with LLI operations
  • Communications skills
  • Ability to work with teams

Develop LLI Leadership

As an all-volunteer organization, LLI depends on the skills and commitment of its volunteers. You can help ensure the ongoing success of LLI by developing volunteer leaders.