AV Subcommittee
What We Do
The Audio-Visual (AV) Subcommittee oversees the audiovisual and technology needs of LLI presenters.
Key Tasks
- Arrange appropriate AV equipment to be in place for each class and special event, when required.
- Ensure that the presenters are familiar with use of the programs and equipment.
- Work with Registration Subcommittee to confirm room assignments and coordinate the AV needs as determined by classroom and class size.
- Assign a member of this Committee to be present in each class with AV needs. Committee members communicate by phone and text during classes and events to respond to unexpected problems.
- Maintain a locked storage closet with equipment and distribute it, as needed.
- Monitor the working order of AV equipment and budget and replace items, as needed.
- Work with Bard AV to ensure the availability of additional equipment when necessary.

Required Coordination
The subcommittee works with the Special Events Committee for LLI general meetings, Intersession, and other special events that have AV needs; the Registration Committee; and Bard AV.
Time Commitment / Duration
- Several weeks before each semester, the chair ascertains needs and trains AV volunteers.
- There is a weekly review of AV services a day or two before each Friday’s sessions.

Special Skills
Familiarity with AV equipment and computers is helpful.
Help with classroom technologies
There is a wide variety of technologies used at Bard and our AV volunteers help presenters and members have a good experience at LLI.
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