Class Support Team
What We Do
The Class Support Subcommittee provides class managers to handle administrative aspects of all LLI classes and to be the link between the LLI students and the presenters.
Key Tasks
- Assign one or two class managers for each LLI course, depending on the size of the class.
- Provide class managers, presenters, producers, and AV team the necessary information about the course and support needs.
- Organize an orientation meeting before the start of the semester.

Required Coordination
The Class Support Subcommittee coordinates its tasks with the Catalog, Curriculum, Registration, and Hospitality Subcommittees. It also works with course presenters, producers, AV/Tech support, and Council members.
Time Commitment / Duration
- The whole committee meets each semester before orientation to prepare materials and assign jobs.
- Time commitment varies, depending on the job assigned.

Special Skills
- Ability to work with a team
- Communication skills
Provide administrative class support
Link between presenters and class members, taking care of the administrative aspects of classes.
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