Welcome to Our LLI Community

Our Community

Finding Your Place

It can be daunting to figure out how to find the place where your unique talents and experiences – and your desire for interesting, engaging work – best fit in.

LLI is more than Courses

How to Get Involved

This area of the website provides an overview of many of the tasks that our volunteers provide in a fun and nurturing environment. Please feel free to explore and find something of interest for you. Our teams will help you feel welcomed and successful; in the beginning, you will work hand-in-hand with a more experienced person who can show you the ropes.

LLI offers wonderful courses and special events, but the real joy of LLI is that we are a community. We are a community that comes together to find new friends, enjoy working together on projects we care about, and gain the satisfaction of creating our community.

How to start

How Much Time?

As a volunteer, you get to decide how much time you want to spend volunteering. LLI team chairs will work with you to find a task(s) that meet your time constraints.

It is fun and rewarding. You will be making a contribution to the success of LLI. If you want more information, simply email volunteer@lli.bard.edu and someone will be happy to help.