Parking on Bard Campus

Please Respect Bard

Parking Rules

We are guests on the Bard Campus. Parking spaces can be difficult to find during peak hours.

Parking Reminders

Bard Security parking regulations apply to all LLI vehicles parked on campus.  As a reminder:

  • Always display your Bard parking hangtag on your rearview mirror with the number facing out
  • To avoid possible towing, Bard Security must have your cell phone number so they can contact you if there is a problem with your vehicle when parked on campus. Contact Stacey Adams at to update any cell phone or vehicle information
  • Membership is at full capacity and parking spaces can be severely limited.  Please consider ride-sharing with your partner or those who live close to you
  • LLI members may use the free Bard Shuttle. The schedule is posted on the Bard website.

Parking Lots for LLI

LLI parking is permitted in the following lots only:

  • Commuter/Visitor Lot near Olin Hall
  • Parking in Henderson Circle is reserved for LLI members with NYS Disability Access tags
  • Main Parking Lot (South of Henderson Circle)
  • Library Road Lot (unpaved)
  • Admissions Lot on North Ravine Road (West of the Chapel)
  • Campus Center Lot (West of Bertelsmann Campus Center)
  • Water Plant Lot (Avery Blum and Bito overflow parking)
  • Any lots near the Fisher Center

On Thursday, March 14, 2024, LLI members were notified that Bard Security had recently reminded the Bard community that parking in the Main Lot in front of Sottery Hall (just north of the RKC building and south of Olin) is for Bard faculty and staff only. And that consequences would follow for violators. 

Late Friday morning, March 15, 2024, Robert Beaury met with the Director of Security to discuss the parking rules for LLI members.  Robert was told that LLI members may park in the Main Lot and should continue to display their parking tags. This exception applies to us because we are on campus only on Fridays for a total of 14 days out of the year, and a few other days during the summer. Their intent in releasing their previous email was to address others that park in the Main Lot without authorization.

Parking at Bard

disability access parking

  • LLI Members with NYS Disability Access tags may use any available space designated as Disability Access. To park closest to most classroom locations, look for spaces on Campus Road near Olin Hall, near the entrance to the Language Center, in the Commuter/Visitor Lot near Olin Hall (northwest section) and on the Main Lot (north and west sides)  
  • Parking in Henderson Circle is available to those members with NYS Disability Access tags
  • Always display both the Disability Access tag and the Bard vehicle hangtag when parking in Henderson Circle and all designated Disability Access spaces.

Please follow Parking Rules

There is limited parking and we share with Bard students, faculty, staff, and other guests on campus.