Frequently Asked Questions
Listed below are some frequently asked questions about LLI. If you still have questions, contact info@lli.bard.edu and one of our volunteers will be happy to help you.
Is membership limited to a geographic area, by employment status, or any other criterion?
While most of our members reside in Ulster, Dutchess, or Columbia counties, we welcome all applicants. Note that most courses are held on Fridays.
May I join in the middle of the year or enroll for one semester rather than all year?
Applications for membership are accepted only once each year, in June. It is the member’s choice to register for courses in one or two semesters or participate in other course offerings such as WinterFest and SummerFest.
How many courses may I take?
We set no limits on the number of courses a member may take during LLI’s fall and spring semesters, SummerFest, and WinterFest. Rather, the limit is as many as your schedule permits.
May I participate in LLI if I am not a member?
Several LLI programs and events are available to non-members, such as WinterFest and SummerFest. SummerFest involves a small fee for non-members.
Check the LLI website and calendar for announcements. You may also join the mailing list by filling out the form at the bottom of the home page of the LLI website.
If admitted, am I required to help with LLI operations?
LLI is a member-run organization and relies entirely on members for all its operations, from producing courses to managing communications and providing weekly refreshments.
New members often find that they are ready to help out immediately. Though not required, it’s a wonderful way to meet people and socialize. Willingness to lead is highly valued and needed within the LLI organization.
If admitted, must I reapply each year?
You do not need to reapply each year.
Once accepted, members simply pay the annual membership fee to renew their membership for the following year.
May my partner and I apply as a couple?
Admissions are based on individual applications. Couples are not accepted as a couple, but rather each person should apply.
If admitted, may I propose a course?
Members are not required to be course presenters. Most members are not presenters; however, anyone may develop and propose a course in an area of expertise or interest. Many members have deep knowledge in an academic or interest area. To propose a course, contact the Curriculum Committee at curriculum@lli.bard.edu.
We are here to help
If you still have questions, contact us at info@lli.bard.edu.