SummerFest 2022 Catalog

SummerFest 2022 Catalog

SummerFest courses are on campus on Fridays, June 3, 10, 17, 24
with one Zoom-only course on Thursdays, June 2, 9, 16, 23
Registration open to current LLI members plus non-members by fee
Registration starts May 20 and ends June 11, 2022

Course Dates: Fridays, June 3, 10, 17, 24 and one Zoom course on Thursdays, June 2, 9, 16, 23 (check the ProClass catalog for exceptions and off-Friday offerings).

SummerFest Registration:  May 20 to June 11, 2022.

Course Enrollment:  First-come, first-served. Open to all members (free with your 2021-2022 membership) and non-members ($25 per course).

Click on any of the titles below to see expanded information. The complete catalog with all course details (such as course limits, classroom locations, dates, etc.) is in ProClass.

There is a print button on the bottom of the page.  The Thursday session will be held via Zoom; all Friday courses will be held in person on campus.  Off-Friday courses will be held in person at their respective locations.

Go here to access the complete catalog in ProClass.  Once there, choose SummerFest 2022 from the “Select Semester” drop-down and hit the “Search” button. Registration will go live on May 20 at 9:00 a.m. Log in to register for courses.

Thursday - Zoom

9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.

Thursdays: 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

June 2, 9, 16, 23

Description:  Navigating the system of healthcare has become more complex and difficult to manage. The pandemic has exacerbated those difficulties. This course will consider a number of practical and philosophical issues regarding health. Topics include dealing with ageism, sexism, and communication with medical professionals; how to make better treatment choices; the reality of medical errors and how to protect your health; issues of patient autonomy, responsibility, and moral choices when facing the end of life.

Presenter: Carolyn Siewers is a retired Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant with more than 30 years in the medical field. She has significant experience presenting medical information in plain language to individuals and families to help them make informed healthcare choices. She has extensive experience with the navigation of healthcare systems and services, medical terminology and jargon, medical procedures, and reviews of medical research.

Producer: Linda LeGendre


The Bard College COVID-19 Response Team currently requires all visitors to campus, including LLI members, to be fully vaccinated with a booster.

Mask Policy: Masks are allowed but not required in campus facilities that LLI regularly uses. Presenters may ask their class members to wear masks in the classroom, if desired.

Valid proof of full vaccination is one of the following:

CDC-COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card(s) showing proof of vaccination and booster shot; or

Digital New York State Excelsior Pass and the CDC-COVID-19 card showing booster shot; or

Digital New York State Excelsior Pass Plus, which records both vaccinations and the booster shot.

At the first in-person SummerFest class you attend, your documentation will be checked and your vaccination status will be updated as below:

  • Members who attended Spring 2022 in-person classes/events should wear the LLI name tag with appropriate vaccination/booster verification stickers; or
  • Members who only attended a Fall 2021 in-person class/event will be given a second sticker for the LLI name tag indicating full vaccination/booster compliance; or
  • Members who did not attend in-person classes/events in Fall 2021 or Spring 2022 will be given new name tags with appropriate verification stickers. Please bring your lanyard if available. New LLI members will be given new lanyards with their name tags.

Non-LLI members registered for SummerFest courses will be required to provide proof of full vaccination and booster. Thank you for your compliance.

on-campus courses

Friday - Period 1

9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.

Friday, First Period: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

June 3, 17, 24, 2022  This is a three-week course.  No class on Friday, June 10.

Description:  Our sense of who we are is conditioned by the environment in which we first learned how to navigate the phenomenal world. By retracing our steps and identifying the content and process of this conditioning, we can open ourselves up to a new awareness and new freedom. In this class, we will look at what constitutes culture and what it means to be an American, and learn tools to help us depersonalize differences and approach each other with openness and objectivity. Through conscious choice, we can redefine ourselves from the inside out. 

Class Limit: 12

Presenter: Catherine Baiardi (LLI) has studied/worked/lived in Paris, Bologna, and Bamberg. She has held various positions at Johns Hopkins University in Bologna and Baltimore and has worked for French corporations and not-for-profits in New York. Catherine has done cross-cultural training for a major relocation corporation. She holds an undergraduate degree in French, and an MBA. Catherine also has language certificates from Alliance Française de Paris and the University of Bologna.

Producer: Eleanor Wieder

Friday, First Period: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

June 3, 10, 17, 2022  This is a three-week course.  No class on Friday, June 24.

Description:  A series of documentary films explores a spectrum of experiences, including oral histories of local residents; the challenges of aging; and a profile of Maggie Kuhn, founder of the Gray Panthers, a leading national advocacy group for the interests of older adults. 

Friday, June 3: Oral Histories

No one is uninteresting. In this session, Jeff Christensen shares what he learned while documenting oral histories. Students will watch the videotaped oral histories of two Rhinebeck residents, celebrating the remarkable lives of people you may pass in the street. Discussion with Christensen will follow the viewings.

Presenter: Jeff Christensen (LLI), a retired systems analyst in finance, pursues his passion for video production as a member of the Hudson Valley Oral History Project. Among his many volunteer activities, Jeff managed Zoom classes for LLI during the pandemic and continues to provide A/V support.

Friday, June 10: The Reality of Aging

Ralph Arlyck’s new film, I Like It Here, confronts the reality of aging and the challenges and surprises that occur as life winds down. Ultimately it’s about the pleasure of being alive. Discussion with Arlyck will follow the viewing.

Presenter: Ralph Arlyck has produced and directed prize-winning films that have appeared on PBS, BBC, and worldwide. He has testified before Congress and the Carnegie Commission about the role of independent producers in public television.

Friday, June 17: Profile: Maggie Kuhn

Maggie Growls, a film by Barbara Attie and Janet Goldwater, will provide an unforgettable introduction to Maggie Kuhn (1905-1995). Kuhn founded the Gray Panthers after being forced to retire at 65 from a job she loved. One of her admirers said, “Controlled outrage does truly make a difference.” Discussion led by Nina Lynch.

Presenter: Nina Lynch (LLI) has been working with older adults since the 1970s. She retired from the Dutchess County Office of the Aging in 2011 and is a founding member of Rhinebeck at Home.

Class limit: 90

Producer: Anne Brueckner

Friday, First Period: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

June 10, 17, 24, 2022  This is a three-week course.  No class on Friday, June 3.

Description:  As a senior move manager and veteran certified professional organizer, Colleen Ashe has successfully navigated hundreds of downsizing moves and aging-in-place projects, to the delight of her clients. Navigating a major life transition can be challenging and may not always be blue skies and smooth waters. In this three-part series, Colleen will share the best tips, strategies, and “gotcha lessons” that have helped her clients navigate the uncharted waters of aging-in-place or downsizing. From paperwork to move management, this series will prepare you for your own amazing adventure.

Class limit: 40

Presenter: Colleen Ashe, PMP®, CPO®, SMM-C®,  is a veteran project manager with a passion for all things organized. Colleen puts her keen problem-solving abilities, leadership skills, and commitment to client service to use as the founder and CEO (Chief Expert Organizer) of Ashe Organizing Solutions, Ltd. ( Colleen does the heavy lifting, leaving clients feeling lighter and breathing easier.

Producer: Linda LeGendre

on-campus courses

Friday - Period 2

11:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.

Friday, Second Period: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

June 3, 10, 17, 24, 2022

Description:  The emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels and its effect on the earth’s climate is considered the principal environmental challenge of the 21st century. The proposed solutions involve the most significant shift in global society since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution. This course will examine the impact of greenhouse gas emissions, proposals to convert to renewable energy sources, and the challenges involved in making that conversion in a timely manner. The course is geared towards a nontechnical audience.

Class limit: 50

Presenter: Patrick DeHaven (LLI) received his PhD in physical chemistry from Iowa State University in 1976. After a two-year postdoctoral period, he worked briefly as an assistant professor of chemistry at SUNY New Paltz before joining IBM, where he spent 34 years as a materials scientist. DeHaven has spent the past two years researching the science behind the greenhouse gas effect and the impact it has on climate.  

Producer: Bill Tuel

Friday, Second Period: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

June 3, 10, 17, 24, 2022

Description:  This class is ideal for students new to painting or those looking to hone their skills. Through the use of colors, lines, shapes, textures, and space, students will learn about the basics of art, including balance, proportion, unity, harmony, variety, emphasis, rhythm, and movement. Some assignments involve painting from direct observation, while others involve transforming and abstracting from a given concept. Rather than focusing on the final outcome, students will learn to understand the entire artistic process from start to finish. Art is a wonderful tool for helping students connect to the deeper and quieter parts of themselves. There is a $20 materials fee for each participant.

Class limit: 15

Presenter: Courtney Skeen, who was born and raised in New York City, has always had a love and appreciation for the arts. She explored and studied visual art while attending the prestigious Fame school in Manhattan – Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts. She has nine years of professional experience in early childhood education. In November 2021, she received her certification as a Therapeutic Art Life Coach.

Producer: Linda LeGendre

Friday, Second Period: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon.  This is a one-hour class.

June 3, 10, 17, 24, 2022

Description:  Have you been spending too much time sitting in front of a screen or slouched on the couch? Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® will get your whole body mobilized in a comfortable way and wake up the fundamental patterns you need to sit, stand, and walk better. Discover how subtle rocking and rolling as you lie on the floor can help you move with more ease and pleasure when you get up again. Participants must be able to get up and down to the floor and bring their own exercise mats or other padding.

Class Limit: 16

Presenter: Margaret Pierpont (LLI) has been teaching Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement® at Bard LLI since 2017. She is particularly interested in helping people reduce stress and feel more at home in their bodies as they negotiate the changes of aging. Margaret has extensive experience in dance, yoga, and meditation, and is a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner and a certified Laban Movement Analyst. She teaches weekly Awareness Through Movement classes via Zoom.

Producer: Margaret Shuhala

Friday, Second Period: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

June 3, 10, 17, 24, 2022

Description:  From Citizen Kane to All the President’s Men, journalism has been a source of fascination and inspiration for moviemakers throughout Hollywood history. This course looks at movies to consider various ways journalists are portrayed — as truth-seekers, manipulators, sophisticates, or dupes. Students will stream each movie at home. Together, the class will consider how, why, and what each representation meant when the film was made and what it might mean now. The films, subject to change, could include Ace in the Hole (1951), All the President’s Men (1976),  Broadcast News (1987), and The Truman Show (1998).

Class Limit: 25

Presenter: Lisa Schwarzbaum  (LLI) was a nationally known critic at Entertainment Weekly from 1994 to 2013. She served on the selection committee of the New York Film Festival from 2004 to 2008 and was co-host of a weekly movie review program on CNN from 1998 to 2001. She appeared regularly on radio and TV, including as co-host on Roger Ebert & The Movies. She is a former chair of the New York Film Critics Circle.

Producer: Fern Fleckman

Friday, Second Period: 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

June 3, 10, 17, 2022, Fridays, and Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Description:  The United States has a long history of banning books in schools, ostensibly to protect children from disturbing topics. A recent article in The New York Times details how a school board in Tennessee banned both Sharon Creech’s Walk Two Moons and Art Spiegelman’s Maus.  Also banned by some school districts is The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas. Participants will read these three young-adult books in advance, with one class devoted to discussing each book. In the fourth class, students will compare the books and the ramifications of promoting or banning them.

Class limit: 12

Presenter: Mary McClellan (LLI) has been a member of Bard LLI since 2016. While working as a guidance counselor with at-risk students, she conducted small literature classes to encourage students to develop an appreciation for the written word.

Producer: Mary McClellan

Off-Friday, In Person

Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m. - noon

Wednesdays: 10:00 a.m. – noon

June 1, 8, 15, 22.  Rain date on Thursdays.

Description:  Participants will learn to play the fun game of bocce. No experience is necessary, and the equipment will be provided. The rules will be sent out in advance and taught during the class. The games will be played at Robert Post Memorial Park in Kingston, along the banks of the Hudson River. There are picnic tables on-site, and participants are encouraged to bring a picnic lunch and socialize.

Class limit: 20

Presenters: Al and Carmela Gersbeck (LLI) have enjoyed playing bocce since January 2020 and taught bocce during that fall semester. They are happy to teach it again for SummerFest.

Producer: Carmela Gersbeck


Curriculum Team

Linda LeGendre, Chair
Irene Esposito, Secretary
Dorothy Baran
Anne Brueckner
Barbara Danish
Jane Diamond
Fern Fleckman
Ellen Foreman
Carmela Gersbeck
Gary Lachmund
Mary McClellan
Emily Michael
Gary Miller
Chuck Mishaan
Margaret Moran
Cathy Reinis
Margaret Shuhala
Bill Tuel
Leslie Weinstock
Eleanor Wieder

Catalog Team

Deborah Schwartz, Chair
Anne Brueckner
Susan Christoffersen
Deborah Lanser
Margaret Shuhala
Tim Sullivan

Consider saving a tree

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