Notes on March LLI Council Meeting

Council minutes are posted on our website,, after they are approved. Click on About Us, Governance to find minutes from the last several months.

  • The Council will hold a workshop on Monday, April 16. There will be a brief business meeting at 9:30, to which all members are welcome, followed by a closed session for the workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to plan for the implementation of the new bylaws.
  • The Website team needs volunteers who know or would like to learn how to create a newsletter in Mail Chimp. Deborah Schwartz offers training for those interested.
  • The Treasurer is preparing the 2018-19 budget for approval at Council on April 16 and reporting to the membership at the Annual Meeting on May 18.
  • New LLI assignments for our future organization include Mary Deady heading Program Support, Maddy Watterson heading Membership Development, and Deborah Schwartz heading Administration/Infrastructure.
