Directions to classes in Hegeman

Directions to classes in Hegeman

Getting to Hegeman classrooms

Hegeman is located up the hill from Kline Commons, southwest from Olin and north of RKC. See the campus map or link to Google maps.

Bard LLI should use only these entrances shown below:

  1. Main Entrance to Hegeman
  2. Entrance via Rose Hall for elevator.


Use the Hegeman main entrance off Campus Walk, at the northwest corner of the building. Other entrances to Hegeman will not provide direct access to LLI classrooms.

If you use an elevator for 2nd and 3rd floor classes in Hegeman, enter into Rose Hall and the elevator will be on your left. Upstairs, as you exit the elevator, turn to your right to locate your classroom. 

Classroom locations

  • Room 102 is located to your immediate right as you enter the main entrance.
  • For rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floor, the staircase is across the lobby from the main entrance.

Please respect Bard classes

We are guests at Bard and we should not interrupt Bard classes and labs by walking through them.

Do not wander through the first floor of Hegeman looking for elevators.