Top 5 Reasons to be a Class Manager

It's Fun

Class managers usually work in pairs and have very well-defined responsibilities.  Barbara Schoenberg, a veteran class manager says, “The most fun is getting to work with another person and getting to know them.”

“People are kind of afraid of it,” Maddy Watterson says. But once they do it, they see it’s easy.

Maddy Watterson

It's Easy

Class managers attend a orientation presentation to meet with class producers and presenters, and then need only take attendance at each class, email an initial welcome to class participants, make copies of course materials, and make announcements in class and by email. AV requirements are handled by the AV volunteer assigned to each class and any issues with presenters are handled by the class producers. 

It's a Great Way to Meet People

It helps you learn the names of LLI’ers. After all, you take attendance seven times so you have a chance to learn who people are. 

Pat Joel
Marge Roberts

It's a Great Way to be a Part of the LLI Volunteer Constellation

Lots of people agree that being a class manager is a great way to volunteer. This year, 62 people volunteered as class managers. But, as LLI grows and adds classes and interim sessions, we always need more. Carol and Maddy say they are recruiting class managers up until a few days before classes begin! As Joe Schoenberg opined, “It’s kind of nice to be part of the organization rather than a spectator.”

It's a way to Guarantee That you get the Class You Want

It can be frustrating to be closed out of a class you are dying to take, but sometimes that happens. The best assurance you can have that you will have a place in a class is to be the class manager. It’s a rare instance indeed when more people than are needed volunteer to be class managers for a particular class. 

Rosemary Bakker
Maddy Watterson and Carol Goss

Thanks to the Team Leaders

And now a word of thanks to Carol Goss and Maddy Watterson who manage the entire process.  They are the people doing the essential work of creating the well-oiled machine that we enjoy. When classes are canceled or someone who agreed to manage a class can’t do it, they spring into action to resolve the issue. As Maddy says, “Things are very fluid in the week before classes begin.” But thanks to their organizational skills, most LLI members can simply enjoy their classes.  
