Spring Registration Upgrade
On Saturday, February 8, registration for LLI classes will enter the 21st century. No longer will the registration committee spend hours adjusting enrollments while never being sure their decisions were optimal for LLI members.
Since LLI has grown in members and in class offerings, the time has come to automate. The new registration process will begin on February 8 with registration for spring 2020 classes. It will be easy to use and, as you will discover, puts you in charge of your schedule.

Meeting Expectations
What can you expect? Gone will be the month of nail-biting while you anxiously wait to be informed of what classes you will have. Gone will be those annoying gaps where you are enrolled in a first period class, closed out of your third period choice, and enrolled in your period 4 choice.
Instead, you will know instantly if you are enrolled in a class. Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis. You can drop or add classes to your registration immediately. If, as might be the case with two or three classes in the spring catalog, a class has reached capacity before you have registered, you can check back any time to see if space has opened in the class.
What to Do
1. Take a look at the spring class catalog, which was emailed to you on January 24, and create your wish list of classes. When registration opens at 9 a.m. on Saturday, February 8, click on the registration link that will be emailed to you on that date and choose your classes. If a class is full, you will instantly see a message that the class is oversubscribed and you can make an alternate choice. After you have chosen all your classes, go to the bottom of the form and click “Submit.” (If you are a class manager or audiovisual support person for a class and find it is full, send an email to registration@bard.lli.edu and you will be added to the class.)
2. Check your email for your registration acknowledgement, and keep it in case you want to add or subtract classes during the registration period. (Add/drops will, as always, be possible for the first two weeks of classes as well, using the same registration acknowledgment.) Help will be provided for those who don’t find the system easy to use. Having trouble? Email registration@bard.lli.edu

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