"It's better to know how to learn than to know."
Theodore Seuss Geisel
Quoting a cherished line from one of his favorite poets, today we pause to remember one of our founders, Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine, who died on Friday night, May 1 at the age of 87.
Without Dean Levine, the Lifetime Learning Institute at Bard College would not be; without his inspiration, energy, and commitment, Bard LLI would not be the success it is today.
It was to Dean Levine that our founders first went when they were seeking to establish another lifetime learning institute in the area. When Dean Levine learned that this group of seniors was interested in continuing to learn by presenting and studying academic subjects in a college atmosphere, he enthusiastically supported their dream and presented it to Bard. And he stayed with us! Until recently he served on our Council as Bard liaison. He listened and watched, guided, and praised. Twenty years later, Bard Lifetime Learning Institute is thriving, an integral part of Bard College, where our members, as Dr. Seuss said, have found “It’s better to know how to learn than to know.”

We Honor Him
In 2015, Bard LLI honored Dr. Levine at a spring luncheon with an Oh, The Places You’ll Go, Dr. Seuss theme. Each spring, five graduating Bard seniors receive grants to help them complete their Senior Projects. Those grants honor one of our founders and are called the Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine Seniors-to-Seniors Grant.
Dean Deirdre d’Albertis asks that those who have memories, stories, and thoughts to share about Dean Levine send them to [email protected]. Contributions in his memory may be made at bard.edu/giving/.
— by Margaret Shuhala
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