At Our Twentieth Anniversary, LLI Is Added to the Bard Archives


Back in 2016, LLI President Joyce Carter-Krawczyk asked Helene Tieger, College Archivist at Bard’s Stevenson Library, for advice and assistance. Joyce was concerned that there was no consistent collection to document the story of LLI.

Helene did have an envelope with some miscellaneous early records, but Joyce set up an ad hoc effort to collect what she calls “stuff.” The “stuff” included materials from the founders, from early members, from the file cabinets of Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine, and from our own records. The College Archive wasn’t ready to accept it, so LLI stored the materials in a file cabinet in the “red room” of the Bertelsmann Campus Center.

LLI Joins the Bard Archive!

Last year the Bard Archive was prepared to accept the LLI records. Current President Nanci Kryzak proposed making a gift of all the “stuff” Joyce had collected to the Bard Archive; the Council approved and LLI records are now a permanent part of the Bard Archive. They may be used for research by anyone and will be permanently preserved.

If you have ever been to the Stevenson Library as part of one of our Around Bard classes, you have some idea of the scope of the collection. We can’t go on campus to the library right now, but we can explore a stunning array of materials by going to the website. Just click around and you will be astonished at the variety and depth of the material.

When Nanci asked Joyce about the “stuff,” Joyce told her that her vision was to give all of our “stuff” to Helene to place in Bard’s Archive. Joyce now says, “I am thrilled that has happened and we’ll not be forgotten!!!”
