Join the Elite Corps of Session Managers
Since June of 2020, LLI has been blessed with a corps of volunteers who make the Zoom classes work. These LLIers, who are session managers, support our presenters by admitting members to classes, spotlighting speakers, reading the Chat, emailing class members, and reassuring all of us with their calm voices.

Volunteers Make it Happen
As we plan for a fall semester that will be Zoomed, LLI is looking for more session managers.
Recently, the Spring 2021 managers were surveyed about their experience, and their comments are encouraging.
It's Enjoyable!
First, if you are thinking that this might be a lot to master, we have good news. Every respondent replied that the training had been all they needed to handle the tasks. And every respondent said they enjoyed being a session manager this spring. More than 70% said they could participate fully in the class; about 70% spent only one or two hours a week to be prepared for the class.
And there were advantages. For example: “In an ironic, interesting way, I felt I got to know more members better in this past year by being involved in the online experience, especially the volunteer session manager program!” Another said “I actually found it a lot easier to view and take in and appreciate presenters’ PowerPoint presentations via Zoom, including videos, than when sitting in a larger, lecture-type Bard hall classroom when I wasn’t able to sit up close!”
The job may be getting easier! One session manager commented, “’Our members’ Zoom skills have greatly improved. Everyone enjoyed both classes I managed and was very grateful.” Things are very different from SummerFest 2020, our first Zoom classes, when we started fifteen minutes early to help members get on, find their Zoom buttons, and learn how to mute, raise hand, chat, etc.

Want to Volunteer?
So consider becoming a session manager. You will get to know your fellow LLIers. It’s a fun team, and you will enjoy your fellow managers. If you are a session manager for a class with very limited enrollment, you are in! In every class, you will get to know the presenter as you prepare for the class.
To sign up, email Carmela Gersbeck at cgersbeck@lli.bard.edu.
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