LLI Gives Grants to Summer Work by BHSEC Students

LLI Gives Grants to Summer Work by BHSEC Students


Each year, LLI provides grants to students at Bard High School Early College in Manhattan. The money provides support that allows students to volunteer and to learn in the summer between their junior and senior years.

This year, the effects of Covid restrictions make it more difficult for students to find opportunities, and the number of students recommended went from the usual four to three. Each will receive a $665 check with a cover letter signed by LLI President Nanci Kryzak.

Dean Stritzler-Levine

The Recipients

Benjamin Samuels will intern in Israel with Natan Sharansky, aiding in his and his team’s humanitarian activism around the world, as well as developing publicity materials for his book, Never Alone. Benjamin’s duties will include helping Mr. Sharansky translate correspondence and coordinate meetings. 

Jacob Little will be working as a counselor-in-training at Mass Audubon’s Wildwood Overnight Camp for five weeks this summer. There he will develop leadership skills and chaperone campers, as well as teach and learn about environmental conservation.

Joseph Lin will intern at Governor’s Island, working with Earth Matter staff, the Zero Waste Island team, and other youth volunteers. He will learn methods for composting, assist with animal care, engage and educate visitors, and develop his leadership and communication skills.

LLI originally linked with BHSEC because our beloved faculty liaison, the late Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine, was Dean of Studies at BHSEC from 2003 and 2009, and he treasured the school. To learn about the school today, go to Our School – BEC Manhattan.

To learn about the network of Bard Early Colleges, go to Bard Early College.