Tech Help to the Rescue


Many of us know the urge to throw our computers out the window in frustration when a website won’t let us in or respond the way we think it should. For LLI members, that may sometimes be true when registering for classes in ProClass. Never fear! Tech help, in the persons of Linda Still and Carmela Gersbeck, is more than willing to provide helpful tips and, in the event of maximum frustration, get on the phone and talk you through to success. Here are the basics.

ProClass Quickstart Videos

Helpful Tips

  • Remember which email you used when setting up your ProClass account. 
  • Also, be sure to write down your password. Or let the computer save it for you.
  • When you are in ProClass, read the instructions. If you just allow yourself a quiet, distraction-free 15–20 minutes, you’ll do it right!
  • When trying to follow directions, try having two windows open on the computer so you can easily go back and forth between them. Alternatively, open the instructions on your cell phone while the website page is open on your computer. It works!
  • You do not have to be “tech-savvy” or a “techie” to navigate ProClass. If needed, try watching the helpful videos available on the website (ProClass training videos) at Even members of the Tech Help Team sometimes refer to them. 
  • Don’t get clicky! It’s almost an innate reaction to click the boxes just because they are there.
  • Remember to scroll down and make sure you have checked all the boxes, and submit your choices at the end.
  • And don’t be afraid to ask for help. Send [email protected] a message about your specific issue and provide good contact information, including your phone number. Linda and Carmela prefer to call people on the phone (and not everyone has put a phone contact on their ProClass account) to walk them through things. It is much easier to navigate the issue before a wrong step is taken. Someone will get back to you within 24 hours.
  • If you didn’t get the email response you were expecting, check your spam folder. 
  • Once you think you’ve finished registering, make sure you get a thank you notification. Also, look for a confirmation email, which ensures you followed through the whole process. 

Easy Does It

Registration for fall classes starts September 1. If you have trouble, members of the Tech Help Team are volunteers who want to help you.
