An Invitation to Run for Council


Nominations are now being accepted for our 2023 election cycle for Council, the main governing body of LLI. Council comprises five elected officers and four elected members at large, as well as six standing committee chairpersons appointed by the President. Terms for all elected officers are two years. Elections are held every year, with different positions becoming available each year. 

This year we will nominate and elect:

  • 2nd Vice President
  • Secretary
  • Two Members at Large

Council meetings will give you the opportunity to contribute your ideas about how LLI can be run while working with some interesting, dedicated people. Every member is welcome to run for office.

Felice Gelman
Deborah Lanser
Carol Goss
John Mathews

Council Position Responsibilities and Terms

2nd Vice President.  As a member of the Executive Committee, the 2nd Vice President attends all Council meetings and Planning and Evaluation meetings. The current holder of this office is Felice Gelman. Felice will be stepping down from this position. She would be happy to provide more information about the responsibilities and time involved as 2nd Vice President. She may be contacted at [email protected].

Secretary. As a member of the Executive Committee, the Secretary records and distributes the minutes of all Council meetings and every other P&E meeting. The current holder of this office is Deborah Lanser. Deborah will be stepping down from this position. She would be happy to provide more information about the responsibilities and time involved as Secretary. She may be contacted at [email protected].

Member at Large. Members at large represent the interests of the general membership. They serve on the Nominations and Election Committees and may perform other duties as assigned by the president. Two members at large will be elected in 2023. The initial term is two years, with the option to be nominated for two additional terms.

Carol Goss and John Mathews are current holders of this office. Both are stepping down and would be happy to provide more information about the responsibilities and time involved as a member at large. They may be contacted at [email protected] or at [email protected].

Three Ways To Become A 2023 Candidate

Nominate Yourself. If you want to support and contribute to the mission of LLI and are up to the tasks of an open Council position, we encourage you to step forward and nominate yourself here. (Active LLI members only.)

Nominate Another LLI Member. Perhaps you know of a member with the talents needed for a Council position. Please speak with that member to see if they are interested in running. If they are, please nominate them here. (Active LLI members only).

Nominations By The Nominations and Elections Committee. The Nominations and Elections Committee will also seek candidates for open offices.

What Happens Next?

Nominations will be accepted through January 13, 2023. You may submit more than one nomination. All nominations are confidential.

Once the nomination forms are submitted, the Nominations Committee will talk with all the nominees to review the position and to confirm that the nominees are prepared to serve.

The candidate will be asked to submit a brief biography, 150 words or less, and a photo that will be used in the election ballot.

LLI needs both continuity and fresh ideas in our Council. The Nominations Committee welcomes your interest and response. If you have questions, please contact Mary McClellan, Nominations Committee Chair, at [email protected].

And if you have read this far, you may want to explore LLI’s overall organizational framework (all volunteers!) here.  
