Some Opinions About Fall Classes

by Deborah Lanser


This year’s evaluations of the fall courses and presenters confirmed that the fall semester was generally a hit with LLI members. Courses were often rated a 4 or 5, with many members expressing gratitude for the depth and relevance of the course content. Members also appreciated the presenters, often granting ratings of 4 or 5 while sometimes offering constructive comments on how they can improve. Members also shared some strong opinions about the videos and readings, producers and class managers, and their interactions with other members, as well as some general suggestions for how to improve the overall experience. Here is a brief overview of some of the opinions expressed.

Course Content

Most comments indicated that members were engaged with the material.

  • The class was well-organized and easy to follow, even though the ideas and subject matter are complicated.
  • Several presenters with their own expertise made for an interesting class experience.
  • For a class I wasn’t sure I wanted to take–best surprise of the semester.
  • Timely and thoughtful.
  • It could spawn innumerable successor courses.
  • Interesting history and facts, including stats and presentation material, guest speaker.

While others suggested room for improvement.

  • It was not in line with the course description.
  • The topic was too broad for seven classes and would have benefitted from a narrower focus.
  • The course probably has a rather narrow audience—great for those interested, maybe not so much otherwise. 
  • This was a narrow view on a very complicated subject.
  • The class content could use additional content and more development. 
  • The content lacked progression from beginning session to end.
  • Repeat but with a comment that the subject would be difficult without vigilant study.
  • On some topics I might have liked more in-depth coverage instead of more introductory material. 
  • A lecture format perhaps wasn’t suitable. A seminar might have been better.


Members generally appreciated the presenters.

  • I would have been a much better student in high school if my teachers brought to the classroom the same level of enthusiasm that [the presenter] brought to class every week.
  • So totally knowledgeable on the topic and very open to questions. Stayed on topic.
  • He certainly knows his material, and better yet, how best to present it.
  • Importantly, he did not give simplified answers and explanations but explored in some depth this highly complex subject.
  • I could listen to her expound on her morning breakfast and be interested.
  • Besides being a great speaker, he is an extraordinary listener.
  • Very effective at balancing lecture and discussion.
  • He skillfully lightened the mood through humor.
  • This facilitation of class interaction engendered an atmosphere of respect and openness, which is the sign of a gifted instructor. 
  • Always provided thought-provoking homework prompts.

There were some caveats.

  • I would give him a 10 if he were just a little better organized. 
  • [The presenter] often takes questions as springboards to broader issues and occasionally fails to loop back to provide a specific answer to the original question.
  • My only constructive criticism and/or disappointment is at times with the pacing of his presentations.
  • Tried to get too much information in the time allowed.
  • She spoke softly and slowly. I wondered if she just thought seniors are slow.
  • Seemed to digress into personal stories–too often and too much.
  • Did not develop themes well–too choppy.

Class Participants

Members generally appreciated their classmates.

  • We had a highly educated group of students, and they all rose to the occasion.
  • The students were inspiring.

With some reservations.

  • There was so much activity with people talking over one another. 
  • There are times LLI members are too long-winded.
  • There were some members who liked to talk a lot during the class. 

Slides and Readings


  • Video clips, powerpoint notes, etc. are well done which enhances the learning experience. 
  • The preparatory readings, provided a few days before each class, were manageable and substantive.
  • His curated videos were very helpful in understanding the subject.
  • The readings were very appropriate and provided a basis for discussion.

Needs Improvement.

  • A few slides with some basic factoids would have helped me as a visual learner.
  • Materials were not provided in advance, which put the class on a slow track while the presenter read from the slides and then asked questions about dense material.

Producers and Class Managers

  • Having a prepared presenter teamed up with a hands-on producer and a great co-class manager…made the whole experience both in class and in preparation a valuable and enjoyable learning experience.
  • Kudos to the producers for their work and dedication in bringing this together. 
  • The material gathered by the producer was valuable 
  • Producer/class manager is an expert organizer and kept the class well-informed every step of the way.

General Suggestions

  • Every presenter in a class of more than 15 people would do well to use a microphone.
  • I strongly recommend—for every LLI class that is not a seminar—that any question from the audience be repeated by the speaker before he or she answers it.
  • I found the classroom very stuffy. If I decide to take a lecture class in the future, I’ll stick to Zoom.
  • Perhaps we could split into small groups at 1 or 2 classes for a more personalized discussion.
  • Enjoyed being in the small auditorium vs. the smaller classrooms with the uncomfortable chairs. 
