by Deborah Lanser
On the northern edge of Bard’s campus lies a 1.24-acre farm that harvests more than 20,000 pounds of organic produce for the Bard community every year. Some of that produce is sold to local consumers at their farm stand at reasonable prices. The stand is well worth a visit for anyone who relishes fresh local foods.

The farm team consists of Bard students under the direction of Bard Farm Coordinator and Educator Rebecca Yoshino. This gives them the opportunity to learn about local, sustainable foods and production practices as well as the complex issues concerning historic and contemporary food culture.
Rebecca notes, “Our prices are great, the quality is fabulous, and our seasonal choices are sure to please. You can typically find a variety of herbs and vegetables, mushrooms, and flowers.”
Fresh greens, from bok choy to kale to salad greens, will be on offer most of the season. Otherwise, the selection depends on the time of year. In the midsummer, look for herbs, green beans, eggplant, peppers, cucumbers, turnips, oyster and shiitake mushrooms, and zucchini. Later in the summer, check out their fresh tomatoes. If you are in the mood for a sweet treat, try the elderberry syrup, honey, or maple syrup. They will also be selling local grass-fed meat from Triple A Angus and eggs from a member of the Bard staff.
Rebecca sends out weekly emails during the growing season with updates on the farm and what will be on offer at the market with the week’s prices. You can sign up for her weekly newsletter with a price sheet and farm stand availability at Bard Farm weekly farm stand blurb mailing list signup.

The stand is located on Library Road at the north end of the Kline Commons parking lot. You can see the tent as you drive up Annandale Road.
The stand will be open every Thursday from noon to 5 p.m. starting in June and continuing through October.

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