Blog Archives

Meet Your New LLI Council Officers


It’s an uncertain and challenging time for LLI, as it is for most of us. It seems more important than ever that we all participate in choosing the volunteers who will guide LLI over the next two years. We did. Ballots for the election of Bard LLI Council members went out to all LLI members via email on March 15.

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LLI Online Opens with Annual Meeting and SummerFest


At the LLI Council meeting in April, uncertainty abounded. How could LLI best serve our members during this time of lockdowns and pandemic? How could LLI conduct the Annual Meeting when we could not safely congregate on campus? What should happen to all the excellent, planned SummerFest courses? Should we just shut down and wait for all of this to pass?

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Honoring Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine

“It’s better to know how to learn than to know.”

Theodore Seuss Geisel

Quoting a cherished line from one of his favorite poets, today we pause to remember one of our founders, Dean Stuart Stritzler-Levine, who died on Friday night, May 1 at the age of 87.

Without Dean Levine,

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Bard College to Offer Fitness Classes to LLI Members


Bard College Community Fitness Coordinator Tyrin Stevenson will begin offering an online fitness class to LLI members later this month. You will receive details about this class closer to its start date. 

Sponsored by the Bard College Health and Wellness Education Department and LLI, the class will provide our members with both strength and cardiovascular training.

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Member Opinions about Online Learning


Given the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, part of this year’s annual member survey was devoted to addressing an issue of immediate relevance: whether members would be interested in online classes. The Bard College campus has been closed, and we don’t know when we will be able to hold classes there.

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Record Number of Bard Students Win Awards


David Shein, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Studies at Bard College, has announced a record-breaking nine students have won Fulbright Scholarships and another has been named an alternate winner; two students have won the Watson Fellowship, tying the previous Bard record; one has been awarded a Davis Projects for Peace Prize;

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Helping Each Other


As we sit mostly closed up in our homes, our community is finding meaningful ways to reach out to each other. Perhaps the most ambitious project is Red Hook Responds which is recruiting volunteers, surveying its more vulnerable residents, developing a program to provide meals to those who need them,

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Resources, Near and Virtual


Although we are spending most of our time at home these days, we do have access to a wealth of resources to fill our pantries, maintain our health, and keep ourselves entertained. Here is a list of many available resources to help you through these difficult times. This list will also be available on the LLI website.

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Three Reasons LLI Needs ProClass


For most LLI members, course registration just happens and we get registered for our chosen courses. Magically, behind the scenes, there seems to be a wizard keeping track of all these course selections!

We have been lucky over the years at Bard LLI; there have always been one or two members who were the wizards.

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Sharing Council Impressions


Over the fall and winter semesters, members of the LLI class of 2019 were invited to attend Council meetings and comment afterwards about what they observed. This program was conceived of and organized by the Membership Development Committee, with the enthusiastic approval of Council members, as a way of providing members with a behind-the-scenes look at the inner workings of LLI.

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