Curriculum Committee Meeting
Campus Center Campus Center, 30 Campus Rd., Annandale-on-Hudson, NY, United StatesOpen house Curriculum Committee meeting. Open to all LLI members. Meeting held in the Yellow Room of the Campus Center
Open house Curriculum Committee meeting. Open to all LLI members. Meeting held in the Yellow Room of the Campus Center
By invitation only, this reception honors our LLI presenters.
Submit names for Council positions for the 2020-2022 terms.
These are held in Weis Auditorium of the Campus Center for members and guests.
Open to all LLI members in the Yellow Room of Campus Center. Held on Tuesday this month because of the Monday holiday.
Look at the LLI website and email to members for the Spring course catalog.
Look in your email inbox for the monthly LLI newsletter, published on the 7th of every month.
Register for spring courses. Members will receive an email message with instructions on how to register for spring courses.
The monthly Curriculum Committee meetings are open to all members. Meetings are held in Bertlesmann Campus Center in the Yellow Room on the second floor.
Council Meetings are open to all LLI members. In February, this will be held on the third Tuesday because of the Monday holiday. Meetings are held in Bertlesmann Campus Center in the Yellow Room.